9 million Hispanic, 1.3 million Asian people are living illegally in the US. Millions fear deportation

So many things wrong, so few things right. I’m confused about the point that’s made in the video where others were asked to leave prior to him and they refused. This incident is shocking without throwing in a possible racial element.

Power of the people? We will see… it’s just a blip on the radar at the moment.

You realize illegally means against the law, right? That means it is a crime. The fact it is a misdemeanor means it’s still a crime. If you can go to jail for it and/or be fined, then it’s a crime.

"(a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts

Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter
the United States at any time or place other than as designated by
immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by
immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the
United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the
willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission
of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than
6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such
offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years,
or both."

It’s getting tired this thing about misdemeanor and crime, blah, blah, blah. I already put my explanation, if you don’t understand the terminology in the immigration arena, sorry, I don’t like to talk to the wall. I rather talk to a burro.

I edited to add: I never, ever, was even given a slap on my hands for getting into this country illegally. In court, I never heard anybody mentioning misdemeanor, crime, etc. Why? Because those with a criminal or record of convictions won’t receive an immigration benefit.

So, stop showing your ignorance on the matter by trying to teach me something I know first hand. Please.
Thank you!

PS: (ignorance is not an insult, I am an ignorant in so many things, starting with the English language)

Just because you got lucky doesn’t mean it isn’t a crime. You could have been thrown in jail and/or fined for it.


I am going to say it nicely, you have earned it. Don’t be an ignorant!

Only dumb people go over something they don’t know crap about, even after being told by a professional on the matter, or should I say a person who lived the events. And those ignorant on the matter people applauding people like you also should learn that nobody is charged with a misdemeanor when entering this country illegally. Very rare they do, if not impossible.

I am going to repeat it again, it could, should, and would be a crime to enter illegally, but nobody is charged with a misdemeanor, it entitles the subject or immigrant to a court hearing because it needs to be proven beyond the benefit of the doubt and you don’t want to spend time and $ on that. They go to jail and then deported, after they have exhausted their legal venues since all human beings have rights in this country, otherwise, welcome to Russia. Which we are just about to become one of its satellites.

The courts have this huge backlog, not enough immigrations judges to take care of the hundreds of thousands of real cases, and adding a misdemeanor to an illegal entry would clog the system. Immigration judges know that, the immigration system knows that, they are smarter than those opening their mouths to accuse others of something they don’t know crap about.

And to give you the last finish stoke, unless you were sleeping at the wheel, I used to complain about the Cubans and their free entry to the US. If entering illegally into the US is a crime punishable with a misdemeanor, here we go, again, we go back to why those charged with a misdemeanor=crime will never, ever, maybe in special circumstances, get an immigration benefit. Put that in your thick skull will ya.

Wow! So much ignorance, no wonder we have this stupid president in the white house.


Not sure what this topic is about, but if it is about folks in the US illegally either by jumping the border or by virtue of over-staying the visa or by any other means, those should correct their ways and come clean. they had no fear or respect while breaking the law. why fear now about getting deported?

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The law is on the books. That means it’s illegal. How much it is enforced is a different issue. If you read, you’d also know immigration court and criminal court are 2 separate courts. The misdemeanor would be prosecuted by criminal court and served in local jail. After that, the person goes to immigration court. This is where sanctuary cities come onto play. They refuse to prosecute the criminal case. They also fail to notify ICE that an illegal immigrant is within custody according to federal law.

You also might want to lookup the definition of professional unless smuggling illegals into the country is your job.

[quote=“marcus335, post:89, topic:1665”]… They also fail to notify ICE that an illegal immigrant is within custody according to federal law.

Why federal didn’t arrest them?

What’s the headcount ratio of local law enforcement vs federal? I see a lot of local police, who are the federal police and how many are there?

Why federal didn’t arrest them?

They are usually arrested by local police for another crime. That’s when the immigration violation is discovered. By law, they are supposed to notify ICE and hold for 72 hours. That allows ICE time to pick them up for immigration violation. Sanctuary cities don’t notify ICE that they have an illegal in custody. If they do notify, they don’t obey the 72 hour hold and release them before ICE can arrive. Sanctuary cities are breaking Federal law. It’s pretty amazing that we have people celebrating cities that decide to break federal law.

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They in my previous post refers to the sanctuary cities, just like what you refer to in your previous post. Why are federal not arresting the law breakers ( not referring to illegal immigrants)?

I have no idea why they aren’t. Maybe it’s fear of possible political backlash? I

Biggest reason probably are the businesses which lobby & benefit from lower wages.

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You should have the same standoff on marijuana laws. It’s still illegal according to federal government. Some states are deciding it’s legal.

Ever since the Vietnam war cities like SF have broken federal law…In fact SF supervisors have their own foreign policy…Enacting all kinds of ordinances contrary to federal law…

You guys don’t get it, do you?

Immigration violations are federally prosecuted. It is not the job of a police officer to apply immigration laws, get it?

You can moan and beach all you want, but that’s reality. If it were to be a thing handled by the police department, it would involve so much time and $ needed to combat real crime. And, it would put the community where the police would enforce immigration laws in a way that no crimes would be reported for fear to deportation, and as reports show, even when rapes and crimes are committed against illegal immigrants they are shy of denouncing them.

I bet that if we dig into the shooting in San Bernardino, we may find out something about the immigration status of either the poor kid who died or his mother. And for respect to his memory, I rather leave it at that.

By the way, if you insist in claiming illegal entry is a crime, you are calling what? 12.5 million Asians, Europeans, Africans, Hispanic and whatnot “criminals”. And for that, you are not better than Twhitler accusing all Mexicans of being criminals.

To be a criminal, you need to be found guilty of a crime. Period.


It’s the job of police to notify ICE and hold the person for 72 hours to be picked up by ICE. They aren’t doing that which is breaking federal law.

Illegal entry is a crime. I don’t see how you can claim it’s not a crime when there is a law stating it’s a crime. Your argument is the equivalent of saying you were speeding and didn’t get a ticket, so speeding isn’t against the law.


Wrong. Every driver running 100 miles per hour knows he or she is violating the traffic laws. But to be fined, they need to be stopped by a police officer and even if they got them on a radar stunt, they can go to court and plead their case. Only after they are caught red handed and losing their cases or not contesting them they are fined, and fined means guilty. Anybody now, or in their youth may tell a story of how they drove drunk or intoxicated by “anything”. Are they criminals now and then?

Is OJ a criminal because you think he killed Nicole or because he was found guilty? Killing another human being is a crime, but if it’s committed in self defense may not.

If driving 120 mph would be a crime, guess how many criminal drivers would be on the road even though they were never caught? That’s what you are saying, right?

As I said, immigration department, ICE, DHS, whatever you want to name it see the illegal entry in a different way. I base my statements on the spirit of the law and my experience with immigration courts and lawyers.

1- If Cubans get a refugee status under the immigration law (dry foot, wet foot) but to do so they enter the US illegally (99% without any visa) they automatically are violating the law, thus becoming criminals. And under the law from 1996, any “crime” bars you from getting any immigration benefits. Shall the officers at the border be arrested for harboring or helping illegals? No papers, you put a foot on US soil, you are criminal, right?

2- Most asylum applicants are, have and will enter the US illegally. I entered illegally the second time, went to apply for a program called ABC, “they lost my application” so I had to apply for Asylum. I just walked into the then INS building in SF, no paper, no nothing. Application accepted. Work permit, here I am. A proud citizen, but a criminal, WTF?

I can keep repeating what I know, but I know myself I won’ take the ignorance away from those who think that by reading a piece of paper, DHS, reading notes by lawyers saying entering the US is a crime when out there everything is about interpretation of the law on the books.

So, now, run and ask for the arrest of those police officers and immigration officers, some friends of mine, not following the law. Then, for the arrest of landlords, banks, credit companies, you name the industry harboring illegals. We may start with some landlords here. Oh, believe me, nobody would be innocent.

I will gladly ask you to read the cases in this link. Read the one about “January 12, 2017”. Maybe that will open your brain to what’s going on out there? Read, understand, see what’s going on, the law is about interpretation.


You realize that entire case was about U1 which means she’s a material witness or victim of a crime. So she’s allowed to stay to help with the prosecution of that crime. I guess you think all 12.5M illegals have this reason to be allowed to stay? It has a pretty narrow scope. It’s meant to allow prosecute of human trafficking type crimes. Also, it only lasts for 4 years. Then they have to leave.