As an immigrant, I am appalled, and Disappointed

All the things some people accused Trump of (racist, rapist, sexist, bigot, etc…) yet he is not being impeached. Either he is doing something right or the silent majority is agreeing with him, or both. I also think he is more than likely to win 2nd term if the economy can hold up until then.


If the Democrats don’t get a majority in the house and Senate in 2018 Trump will not be impeached. And if they can’t find a Gen X leader in the Obama mold they will lose in 2020 also… that means 8 years of the Trumpster.

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Even if they had a majority it still might not be enough, 2/3 votes are what is needed for impeachment to be successful.

However I wouldn’t underestimate a young charismatic democratic candidate appearing in the next election. Obama also came out of nowhere back then…

The old Dems are holding on. I bet Hillary makes a run for it…

William, I think you should check your biases. There are plenty of lazy stupid people from Ireland and China as well. By generalizing an entire population as “intelligent w strong work ethic,” you fall into the same trap that Trump falls into with his “shithole” remark.

Be Careful to not generalize, especially if it benefits yourself as one of Chinese extraction.

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Well at least I’m complementing rather than degrading people like you did. Check on your own shortcomings first before you start criticizing others. Your comments about those Chinatown people are worse than whatever trump ever said about Africans. At least trump never degraded his own race. What a joke of a person you are. :rage:

Ok guys, let’s remember that any person that can get off their butt and get to another country–especially in the 1800s and 1900s were amazingly motivated people. And if they were poor and managed to do that, they were miracle workers.

So just having to cross an ocean makes a huge difference in filtering out unmotivated people.


You can’t impeach someone just because they say things you don’t like or implement policies you’re against. That’s not how it works. It’s more likely that Hillary ends up in prison than Trump is impeached, and I think there’s a <5% chance Hillary goes to prison.


What makes America great is it’s immigrants…Generally they are the huddled masses, but they are willing to work harder and take more risk than the people left behind…Most immigrants achieve more than native born…Trump actually believes it himself, he marries immigrants…
Trumps shithole remark is similar to this.

Statue of Liberty. Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.


Either that or he has a special liking for Eastern European women… :laughing:

Like most immigrants his wives will do a job natives won’t do…lol


Well they all missed out on an opportunity of becoming fabulously rich, famous, and First Lady-esque… :rofl:

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Rumor is even Melania did not want the first Lady Job…stayed behind hiding out in NYC for 6 months


It’s not easy to be a public figure… even the most thick skinned person can be shy sometimes… :rofl:

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She is a lot smarter than her husband, knows when to keep her mouth shut…It was very unfair of Trumps handlers to give her the plagiarized Michelle Obama speech she had to read at the convention…probably made her gunshy…


I can’t remember if it was HBO or Showtime that did a show on it. Trump didn’t even plan a big event for election night. The consensus was he was going to lose, and he’d give a quick concession speech. Some even said there was a sense he didn’t want to win. His wife was against him running, but most people thought he’d never get out of the primary.

Hillary had a MASSIVE event planned to be a celebration of her win. It was amazing watching. You could sense the energy die with each state Trump won. When Trump won FL, they realized it wasn’t a done deal. I can’t remember if it was MI or WI that was the final nail in the coffin. I imagine it’s a bit like Falcons fans felt during the last super bowl. Isn’t Hillary the first presidential candidate to not give a concession speech the night of the election? That was pretty ironic given the conversation about it during the debate.

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That was my sense from the pictures of Trump in the Whitehouse first week. Like “Crap. I won? I really don’t want this job.”

That’s what Fire And Fury says…I think he ran as a publicly stunt…When you lose to a guy who didn’t give a crap about winning it must be a helluva ego deflator…Hillary has no shame, she forgave Bill, she will forgive America for the gut punch and run again…

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It takes shamelessness to be a successful politician. Hillary is on the right track… I’m rooting for her next round… :rofl:

Time to place bets…will Hillary run? Will the Dems pick someone like Newsome…Or stick with Brown, Bernie, Warren, Biden and the other old has beens???