Bitcoin's 10 trillion dollar valuation is fast approaching

Um… I’m not an eugenics advocate… :rofl:

Gosh! One big strike against Tahoe. Looks like it’s full of losers up there.

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Beauty and the Beast… opposites attract… :rofl:

You of all people? You should have eugenics as middle name! :smile:

How so? I never advocated “China go dominate the world with their 106 average IQ” the way you did… :rofl:

No, you didn’t. Because you told me the Jews are even smarter with their 120 IQ. :smile:

That’s why it’s good that Zuckerberg married a Chinese woman to dumb down his descendant’s genes by a couple notches… :rofl:

Growing up in a small town is tough. But most of my friends here are retired from the BA and other happening places. The friends I grew up with in Berkeley did poorly too. Growing up in a liberal permissive community is not good. Makes for useless directionless kids… the BA is deadly on children. Better to raise your kids with the rigid discipline of your homelands. American kids are given too much freedom and no direction…

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That could be a positive rather than a negative, depending on how you look at it…

No need to remind us tiger parents. We came here with one purpose only: to beat the socks off of American kids. :smile:

I am always suspicious of UCSC. You said Berkeley is a liberal town, but it has some pretty badass scientists and engineers. Santa Cruz people just seem to smoke pot all the time and have sex orgy on the beach…

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I’m pretty sure quite a few Santa Cruz residents will get offended by your very biased view of their hometown…

Who cares

The opposite. They will take it as compliment. :smile:

Oh yes of course… I’m sure you’re still relishing the “greedy” “compliment” given to you by @hanera:rofl:

Many tech workers are heavy crypto investors.

Greed is good. Greed is American!

I have a friend in Marin County that is going to war against her school. She is pissed off that the school is forcing kids to not believe in gender differences. In other words parents are not allowed to teach boys to be boys and girls to be girls. Talk about too much freedom. Kids like rules. The LGBT community wants to force little kids to be confused. Sacrificed on the alter of political correctness… Disgusting

Come on!!! @hanera never intended to say it in any kind of a complimentary way… even an idiot can see thru that… :rofl:

:rofl: And you two met and had a lunch together?

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Yeah. Must be the bad shrimp dumplings. :smile: