Bitcoin's 10 trillion dollar valuation is fast approaching

Previous use log, should have used linear. New chart below.
Plunge in and show who is boss.

Just above 5K, love it.

Don’t be cheap! The bet was over $50 at least. That’s going to be a lot of chicken wings you’d have to buy… :rofl:

I think @BAGB is in a state of shock and incapable of responding… :rofl:

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Already sold GBTC. Now just relax and watch what the market will do. Guess bitcoin will perform no better than a growth stock going forward. We can focus on stocks now. Or simply sit on cash and buy a house instead. :grin:

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Party pooper… :rofl:

Responded even before your post. Proactive work!

YOLO man! Go big or go home.

Crash is going on right now at the moment. What’s the support for this week?

Evil… you were trying to tell people to buy in at $17k. Imagine if anyone had listened to your “advice”… :rofl:

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Don’t go mountain climbing with him :smiling_imp:. Instead of helping each other scaling the summit, he would pull you down so he can be on top.:skull_and_crossbones:



I am a cheap dude, and i don’t go hard on bets as a principle :slight_smile:

If it doesn’t affect your networth in a meaningful way why do it at all? Just so happens “meaningful” can be up as well as down. :smiling_imp:

Ok you can just put out $50. I’ll chip in the rest… :rofl:

As a bystander, I guess I can put in $0 and join in?
I would be the adult to prevent you two from fighting, ok?

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Always taking advantage of the situation you are… no I don’t think I need any “adult supervision” here… if @tomato feels like he does than he can also pay for your free meal… :rofl:

Don’t celebrate so soon. It’s not 5k yet. Besides, it may zoom back up to 20k after I go YOLO on it. :smile:

I always like to celebrate prematurely… it’s better than having no celebration at all if I lost. And if I won I get to celebrate twice. Win win!!! :rofl: