China is not a currency manipulator

What happens is that we have a spineless, narcissist, coward and manipulator president that for many years berated and criticized China saying “China is a currency manipulator” more often than ever during the past campaign to deceive, dumbfound his supporters. We don’t need to mention he bought Chinese steel instead of American for the building of his real estate deals. No, no way!

For any American to play dummy over this, s/he should know that it took only 10 minutes for Xi Jinping to erase that mumble jumble from the mouth of that parrot of a president. 10 minutes, in our own white house, with the aggravated issue that all the sudden trademarks were approved in China for the Twhitler’s family. No official could be present, just Ivanka, the recipient of such trademarks.

So, prior to visit China, the coward president congratulated Xi for being so strong, meaning curtailing freedom of expression and turning China’s scholar system in an apparatus for Communist propaganda making every school, every moment of what is praying to any God in certain countries, a moment to praise the “Communist leaders”.

Just the days before, he blamed that situation on former presidents, “China is doing it to favor its people” he said, something any 8th grader would know by now. But no words about how he would punish, as he promised during the campaign, the “currency manipulator”.

We are being sold down the river for trademarks in China. The pathetic thing is to see the strongest leader going to praise and kiss the rear end of a ruthless and hard Communist liner.

Every nations manipulate their currency :rofl:
China has a history of referring to their emperor as sons of god.
America was happy that other nations devalued their currency against US for many decades because then US can buy more stuffs from those nations… time has changed… US also wants to export their stuffs through currency depreciation instead of past strength of US made is of higher quality. US is now joining them? I would rather Trump comes up with a plan to revitalize American products to be of the highest quality in the world rather than try to compete in prices.


I agree, but it proves that either we have a manipulator and liar in the white house or…an ignorant on anything.

What happened to the strong man? Dang! I don’t care if he is who he is, but going there and kiss rear end?

All politicians lie. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be one.


It’s cheating!
I am going to instruct my treasury secretary to label China a currency manipulator…He said it so many times.

All politicians cheat. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be one.


That’s another lie… :rofl:

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But we have a comrade here defending this liar to death. :smiley:

Just because he lied doesn’t mean much. No need to defend any lies from politicians.

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I agree, but there are some hypocrite people who say “I am not his supporter, but…buahhhhhhh!” :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Only bad politicians lie, good ones tell half-truths.

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I guess you hate both parties, since you couldn’t name one good thing Obama did. Carry on being a negative cry baby. No one ever got rich that way.

So who do you think is a good politician? :thinking:

I don’t follow politics in US :rofl:
Based on what you guys are talking about… no ideas… didn’t follow that closely.
LKY late PM of Singapore is a good politician :slight_smile:
His son… not up to mark.
Low Thia Khiang rocks.
George Yeo is too honest so he is no longer a Minister, first Cabinet Minister to be voted out not because he is no good, in fact Singaporeans love him but big picture is more important. Singaporeans decided they need a creditable opposition.

Good politician: Trump, Obama
Bad politician: Hillary, Jeb Bush

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Thanks God not a single Twhitler supporter here.

Oh…wait! I hear a dog barking!

Let me see out there…I will be back! :rofl:

Good politician = one that wins elections

It’s about telling the people what they want to hear even if it’s complete lies and BS. Bernie had no clue how to pay for free college, medicare for all, or any of the other stuff he campaigned on doing. However, it was something a lot of people wanted to hear and made tons of people feel they’d be better off in Bernie’s world.

They miss important facts like even if college is free not everyone goes. You still have to be accepted. It’s really not going help the people that need the most help. Skilled trades training would actually be better for them, but people get offended if you say they aren’t college material. They let being offended stop them from careers that pay quite well.

They don’t realize the bottom half of the country pays an effective 3% income tax rate while the top 1% pay a 28% effective tax rate. Yet, all you hear is how the rich don’t pay their fair share. In countries with socialized medicine, everyone pays at least a 28% effective tax rates. Imagine telling half of Americans they’re going from 3% to 28% in income taxes. I guess that puts “free” healthcare in perspective.


Blah, blah, blah, blahhhhhhhhhhh. That’s all the narcissist dumb people hear when somebody tells them the truth.

The topic is about lying about anything because there is no plan. Only a stupid would apply to code for Google when he is a janitor and doesn’t even know how to turn a computer on.

I love dear brother Jack Ma.

This guys knows what a F…up we have.

Don’t let facts get in the way of opinion.