China Sliding Backward

Sure, they should mind their problems and we should mind ours.

It’s not right for us to try to subvert foreign governments, not Cuba, not North Korea, not Russia and not China. Let their people choose the best course for them

Instead try to subvert the rent control politics in Calinfornia



Just be proactive and avoid her become your maypr

How so? Gun her down before she becomes one? :wink:

Not worth that. Just talk down so she can leave politics

A lot of people like a benevolent dictator. Most Russians love Trump . Xi is popular. Trump ran as a dictator not as President. He was shocked to find out about the checks and balances. His supporters would let him do whatever he wants. His detractors want him jailed. Most dictators have to stay in office or they will be killed, like Assad, or Kim… Makes them crazy, paranoid murderers.

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Are you hinting that Trump needs to stay in office or else he’ll be killed? :wink:

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To all the secret admirers of Jane:

Killed or jailed. I still think he will have to resign if the Democrats take over in November.
He is playing high stakes just like a dictator. He doesn’t believe or understand democracy. He just finds it annoying and in his way. He wants to rule like a CEO. He would fire Congress and the Supreme Court if he could


Oh wait I got her confused with the weed seller, Jean Quan… No I wouldn’t want to gun her down… :rofl:

Are you crazy? Jane Kim is 10x better looking.

It’s the Asian names… they all look alike… :rofl:

Huh? How is Jane relate to 10x?

@manch doesn’t know what he’s talking about… :rofl:

Go google quan’s picture.

Hey, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder… @hanera’s might beg to differ… :rofl:

I don’t understand why manch doesn’t like her.


@manch is as blind as a bat… :rofl:

So. Much. This. No tolerance for dissent. Ugh.

Based on the pictures above they look the same to me…

Edit: Lol I just googled Jean…Yoda must have a time machine.