Elt - any theories on the Florida pedestrian bridge?

Lots of videos up. I’m sure you’ve seen some.

It can only be two things. A design defect or the contractor not building it to specifications. The building inspector also dropped the ball. They had a parking structure collapse a few years ago somewhere around there so I would think the building codes need to be looked at.

Here is a link to a speeded up version of the installation.


You have to go to the bottom and hit the continue reading to get to the video.

Prefabricated… I know prefab is the way of the future. But I prefer old fashioned construction. My guess is it failed at the connection to the foundation. It was installed two days ago. I bet there was a failure at one of the support connections. They should have had more temporary supports in place.

It was very long for concrete construction. Probably should have been made from steel.
Watch the video of the construction below

In the article Elt1 posted, it said the bridge was supposed to have a center support but it was not in yet.

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This is what should have been built.


Looks like the should have left temporary supports in place while installing the permanent stayed structure.
Definitely the fault of the contractor.



Incompetent contractor. Reports says that the contractor hires incompetent and low skilled workers.

Why does a public university hire such a contractor with bad reputation and many complaints and lawsuits? Is there any bribery?

See? Regulations, oversight is needed. :roll_eyes:

If course regulations are needed on a bridge. But the same regulations are in place for a minor house addition. We need two codes. One for houses. Another for massive commercial and public projects.
I designed and built the largest building in San Mateo county in 1980. We had less oversight and rules than your typical bathroom addition today.