Google engineer's viral 10 page anti diversity screed

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Debates are cute when the subject doesn’t matter to us personally. We are four men talking about sexism against women.

How about if someone at Google wrote something racist instead? Something like Asians are just biologically incapable of leadership roles. Asian managers got promoted because of affirmative action. They stole those positions from white men. Crap logic just like that article.

Would you feel the same way?

What the Googler effectively wrote was that, women are biologically inferior to men in writing code, and therefore should not be hired at Google in the first place. Do you think it affects the women working at Google?

Debate to your heart’s delight in a bar or the privacy of your own home. By publishing crap like this you stink up the workplace and make it hostile to thousands of coworkers. If that’s not fireable offense I don’t know what is.

He got 10 pages of stuff. Can you copy and paste his words?

Why don’t you boil it down for us?

One point you don’t agree and you discredit his 10 pages. Btw, this is also the point I don’t agree with, if he is so sure he should attach a scientific study. Is like saying a woman is ugly because she has a small mole on her eye brow, even though ignoring it she is as pretty as an angel.

He said that on average men are more capable, but he also said that there are always exceptions to the rule.

So if you take a random sample of 10 men and 10 women, maybe only 5 men are capable, but only 1 woman is capable.

So that explains why the ratio of men to women in this industry is 5 to 1.

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You need to prove what your interpretation is really accurate from that guy. It’s misleading to put words into other’s mouth

Here’s his words. We need to think whether we indeed have a culture of “shaming and misrepresentation”.

It’s more comfortable and less risky to be in the echo chamber, to simply repeat and reinforce what the media says. It requires courage and effort to really think.

“Psychological safety is built on mutual respect and acceptance, but unfortunately our culture of shaming and misrepresentation is disrespectful and unaccepting of anyone outside its echo chamber. Despite what the public response seems to have been, I’ve gotten many personal messages from fellow Googlers expressing their gratitude for bringing up these very important issues which they agree with but would never have the courage to say or defend because of our shaming culture and the possibility of being fired. This needs to change.”

So did this guy just post this essay of his in the company-wide email alias? That’s some nerve… I would make sure I already made my $5M (or $10M in @manch’s case) before undergoing such a feat… :laughing:

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How does that make it better? Let’s transform this to racial bias and see:

“On average white people are more capable than Chinese. Of course there are some exceptions.”

You OK with this?


“On average white people work harder than blacks. Of course there are some exceptions.”

Um… I would be ok with it if that is indeed the truth… :slight_smile:

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“Other than that, how was the play, Mrs Lincoln?”

Discrimination is illegal. Why not debate with this guy? If he is really wrong, it would be easy for billions of people to reveal his logical fault

"Background [1]

People generally have good intentions, but we all have biases which are invisible to us. Thankfully, open and honest discussion with those who disagree can highlight our blind spots and help us grow, which is why I wrote this document.[2] Google has several biases and honest discussion about these biases is being silenced by the dominant ideology. What follows is by no means the complete story, but it’s a perspective that desperately needs to be told at Google."

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This guy lists some biases from the left and the right. Is it accurate? Left is idealistic and right is pragmatic?

Left Biases

Compassion for the weak
Disparities are due to injustices
Humans are inherently cooperative
Change is good (unstable)

Right Biases

Respect for the strong/authority
Disparities are natural and just
Humans are inherently competitive
Change is dangerous (stable)

I always like to give my basketball example…

On average black men are more capable at playing basketball than Asian men, but there are always exceptions to the rule.

So if you take a random sample of 100 black men and 100 Asian men, maybe only 50 black men are capable, but only 1 Asian man is capable.

So that explains why the ratio of black men to Asian men in the NBA is 50 to 1 (actually way bigger than that)…


Context. This statement is true in USA.

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Are your viewpoints affected by the fact you have three daughters whom you want to groom as STEM professionals?

Something must have changed in female biology in mid 80s. Because of Reagan?

Is yours affected by the fact that you have sons in CS programs?

I also think it is true to some extent. First off, Chinese people need to learn English so there is a language barrier. 2nd language is never as good as native. Secondly, American culture favors individualism and showmanship; whereas Asian culture teaches you to be humble and follow someone’s leadership.

On the plus side though, a lot of Chinese people are good at STEM (I know, stereotype). So they make up for the language and culture barriers with real talent in those areas.

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