Gun Control

What law would prevent that from happening? I could post people dying of drug overdoses every day despite the fact they are illegal. I could post people dying in drunk driving accidents despite drunk driving being illegal. Making guns illegal won’t stop criminals from getting them. So what is the point of taking guns away from law-abiding citizens? You’d be enabling another 2.5M crimes a year that are prevented by legal gun owners. How is that a win?

You clearly must think that making guns illegal will remove them from the streets. I’d love to know why you think it’d work for that when prohibition failed, and it’s failed for drugs.

I realize you can’t answer any of the questions.

Well, hypothetically, if we actually banned all private ownership of guns, over time there would not be any more guns held legally or illegally. There, I answered your question.

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Gee, I wonder if the husband and wife are rethinking about those guns in the house now…

How can you say that given the illegal drug epidemic and what an epic failure prohibition was?

So, is it drugs or people we should look at? Start from this premise, shall we?

So, when something happens, as in this case, the coming of an idiotic president mentioning what we all know, that a drug epidemic is destroying many lives, what did he propose to do about it?


Then, a guy living here legally, due to the lottery of visas…ducks and chicken were dancing expecting the fox to be captured.

He now wants to do something about it! Immediately!

So, is it the terrorist guy or the immigration law?

Well, he is fixing the immigration laws, isn’t he?

But, when it comes to 58 people being killed in Las Vegas…

Do not politicize this tragedy! Don’t do anything!

People might have different opinions, but the time has arrived for the pioneers: We Should Ban Cars From Big Cities. Seriously.

Please don’t shoot the messenger. :slight_smile:

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You should also lower the speed limits to make everyone safer. All you’ll hear is people complaining about their commute being longer. I guess their commute length is more important than human life.

Come on, do you see anyone actually being able to speed during commute hours???


Still waiting for answers. We know this topic is about “winning”, not being realistic. But Obama, but Hillary.:rofl:

Finally, a voice of reason…

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They better hurry up because I know, tomorrow I will comeback with another shooting while the advocates of shooting people is good because you can’t stop them nuts from shooting will come to give us another round of deflection.

Not all places keep stats, but of the places that do 87-91% of homicide victims have a felony arrest or conviction. The vast majority of homicides are criminals killing criminals. Yet disarming law-abiding citizens will some how make them safer vs criminals.

72-75% of murderers have felony arrests or convictions. If you want to make people safer, then push for stricter sentencing laws for felons.

18-24 year olds (prime gang age) have the highest victimization rate and offender rate. If you want to reduce homicides, then kids in bad areas need options in life besides joining gangs.

Let’s hear from the idiots how good we are doing on people dying in a daily basis from guns.

Another 27 people just died from mass shooting. This time in a Texas church.

The diversity visa program has been around for almost 30 years. 50k immigrants came in every year under that program. So after all these years one crazy guy mowed down 8 people and it’s immediately time to shut that program down for good. No question asked.

Because? Non white people are dangerous I guess. It’s not terrorism if the guy is white.

We have tens of thosands of peole die from gun violence every year. And yet it’s never the right time to talk about it.

I call Bullshit.

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More than 20 people dead in a church attack?

Let me think, there’s going to be an idiot coming to talk like the idiot he is mumbling jumbling data.

I am just about to call people bad names, really!

It’s actually 11,000/yr from gun homicide and 85% of them have a felony arrest or conviction.

I’m not sure there’s a point in this one. Emotions are more important than facts. People are going to think whatever they want when reacting emotionally. I honestly don’t care what people’s emotions are.