Hmm, What Is Apple Doing?

I happen to disagree. Too much watering down of the product and overcharging did not help the situation in my opinion. Like I said, let’s see how it plays out.

Batterygate is not helping Sir…

Do people forget last quarter was a record revenue quarter?


No… but don’t all the fancy brochures and flyers say the same thing in velllllly, velllly small print at the bottom?

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Journalists were saying the same thing last quarter. If the iPhone X was a flop, then last quarter would have been a flop. Also, iPhone ASP wouldn’t have increased so much YoY. These journalists get paid based on creating sensational headlines that people will click to see the article. They aren’t paid on accuracy of their work.

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Past performance is not a guarantee for future performance. It is typically a reliable indicator.

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Hey, projections or flat out lies are made all the time. Who knows who is right or wrong, yet? All I know is, I have an Iphone that is slower than my CRX (oh, but of course it is) and I can’t get a freaking new battery sounds like for eons!!!

I think both SJ & SFO are great cities. :slightly_smiling_face: :wink:

Apple needs to improve Siri’s voice recognition , it sucks compared to google.

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Indicator for what?

How old are these cities? Teens?:laughing:

Future performance.

The quote that SDB used is legalese. Doing the same thing over and over usually ends up in the same result.

Sound like past performance is a reliable indicator for future performance :wink:

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Just because you made 100 pies over and over in the past and can still obviously make the same 100 pies going forward, who is to say that that 100 pies will be enough to be profitable in the future marketplace?

No guarantees, just an indicator.

Isn’t evaluating prior performance one of the areas of focus when you interview job candidates or tenants even?

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One word. Kodak

I am sure at one time this was an industry giant and performance was good if not great. What happened? Past performance didn’t mean squat, did it?

Soooo… what’s the consensus? What’s gonna happen to Apple? :slight_smile:

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Only dragon’s opinion matters, just check with him.

Don’t think he understands you. He is too fossilized.
Performance is a generic word… doesn’t have to be a linear comparison which is likely be the thought of an individual contributor. A business always find ways to improve the productivity through capital, better individual contributors, change process, modify business model, expand scope, parlay strengths and even change business :slight_smile:

His opinion matters the least when it comes to Apple. :wink: