Indices & ETFs


Today’s timeframe… but looked like it’s going back and forth in a tuck-of-war…

Futures are up… 0.5% is rather high for futures.

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spoke too early.

You jinxed it… :scream:




wuqijun tinted scenario is more like hockey stick.

Is it a selling opportunity today? Seems that upper band is reached and it’s bouncing downward

Why you want to sell when this minor correction is almost over?

Is another correction starting today?


permabull wqj.

Aren’t you buying more sq? Go for it.

I did buy already this morning :slight_smile:

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Now go buy some TSLA.

but but they are being sued by Nikola the company…

Who’s Nikola?

Do you want him to buy home or not? :rofl:

Tsla falling so hard, I need some young blood to prop up its price… :rofl:

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