Is Number 4 A Bad Feng Shui Number?

This one is too dolled up. Price will zoom all the way to 1.8M+.

Look at the zip. Do you think thatā€™s a Chinese buyer? The world doesnā€™t always revolve around Chinese culture, you know.

Really, who said that???


Wow, too popular (and sounds like making money) yet closing anywayā€¦

Check the addressā€¦

Killed toll plaza worker was in toll booth #14. RIP

Is it really 14? I was trying to figure out from the news footage.

:scream: :scream: :scream:

Itā€™s also a Chinese woman, left behind husband and young daughter. Really sad. That asshole driver needs to be locked up for life.

Obviously, I shouldnā€™t be making light of this tragic event (and I am not), but sometimes this bad luck mumbo jumbo stuff is scary true. I mean, what are the odds of that a big truck granted is able to plow through cars and then into a toll booth to kill the taker? Unbelievableā€¦

Another reason to eliminate tollbooths
With modern gps and camera technology they are not needed. Everyone should be required to have a transponder.
Toll roads will be everywhere
With electric cars coming it will be the only way to pay for roads. In fact many in Tahoe want a five dollar toll to enter the Tahoe basinā€¦ for tourists only of courseā€¦

What??? With a sweet address like this, restaurants should be overflowing in doughā€¦ must be the foodā€¦

It says the space is jinxed. They should try a Chinese restaurant next.

San Tung 3??? Yes!!!

Ok, finally out of the bad luck (perhaps?) with a sweet 18.8M selling priceā€¦

In this case, 1.28M is not a very lucky number stringā€¦ Ouch!!!

Nope, real fake newsā€¦ the power of the unlucky 4 persists!!!

Holy Moly, my office cleaning lady was right. OMG, the recent shooting in the Sunset happened at the womanā€™s residence which was 1874 34th Ave. OMG, I didnā€™t know unti now that ā€œ74ā€ means ā€œdead for sureā€ā€¦ Oh hell noā€¦

Number 44 having a 100K haircut.

Great neighborhood but I guess just too small of a house? Should have sold despite the 4sā€¦