Plan to make $1 million in 4 years through stock trading with an initial capital outlay of $10k

We know that stock usually peaks in Aug and bottom in Oct. So the plan is to:

Year 0

  1. With an initial capital of $10k, buy $20k (max margin) worth of stocks in Oct at 50% intrinsic value.
    Year 1
  2. Sell the next year in Aug for $40k as stock would rise to its intrinsic value in Aug.
  3. Buy $80k worth of stocks (max margin) in Oct at 50% intrinsic value.
    Year 2
  4. Sell the next year in Aug for $160k as stock would rise to its intrinsic value in Aug.
  5. Buy $320k worth of stocks (max margin) in Oct at 50% intrinsic value.
    Year 3
  6. Sell the next year in Aug for $320k as stock would rise to its intrinsic value in Aug.
  7. Buy $640k worth of stocks (max margin) in Oct at 50% intrinsic value.
    Year 4
  8. Sell the next year in Aug for $640k as stock would rise to its intrinsic value in Aug.
  9. Buy $1.28M worth of stocks (max margin) in Oct at 50% intrinsic value.

The hard part is find the right stock each year. Shouldn’t be difficult for some people with the right acumen.

BTW I made an “investing” tag because we talk an awful lot about investing. :smile:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

LOL. You starting with just 10k and expect to make $1M out of that. How about I start with $1 and make $100 million out of that in 1 month??? :rofl:

Be realistic people!

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On my spreadsheet I projected out to 1B. :smile:

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Show us how creative you are :rofl:

Plenty of traders turn 10k to 1M. It happens a lot to stock traders.

RE would be slower, it takes 7 years, 3 years more than your plan :rofl:

You could have turned 1k to 5 TRILLIONS in stocks.

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More realistically, you can buy this duplex. If you 20 such duplexes, you’ll be good shape. Current rental yield is 9%. You can raise rent and make it 10%.

BART is coming, close to school. Decent chance for appreciation

Wuqijun may have better idea on the market rent there.

If anyone buys this, send me a Starbucks gift card

If they can turn 10k to 1M, they can also turn 1M into 10k the next day. No such thing as free lunch here. Sounds like you have tons more to learn about investing…

Making 9x in one year is realistic :grin: and hence over $5 M in 4 years is doable.
After 4th year, you’re FIREd.

20 PM

Rinse & repeat each year.
Year 1: $1k to $9k
Year 2: $9k to $81k
Year 3: $81k to $729k
Year 4: $729k to $6.6 M.

That’s why I favor RE over stocks.

Another good investment property. Or a good primary home for the FHA buyer since it’s pretty new so it should qualify FHA requirements easily. Antioch duplex is much better in cash flow though.

This is crazy ! :rofl:

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Again… :rofl:

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That Video song is basically the summary of this thread.

Yes… we’re all desperate to become one… :rofl:

I’ll share 1% to all if I become a billionaire. So you guys, please help me.

How would you like to be helped? :rofl:

First off, I will do a crowd sourcing, and need cash from each blogger, each $100k.