Speaking Of Berkeley

It’s too crazy.

Solving Berkeley’s pressing problems one at a time :smile:

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Too much PC “maneuvering” or do I need to say iteuvering?

Identify the problem: This PC thingy come about because of female gender voters.
Solution: Female gender no longer allow to vote.
Problem solved :face_with_thermometer:

This is not caused by females. This is caused by transgender or other gender

Electric is expensive already. I guess we’ll be seeing more solar panels in Berkeley.

Oh boy…

Seattle is looking at banning natural gas heat for homes and forcing everyone to retrofit.

That’s a really dumb move in California given PG&E just said they could do week long blackouts to avoid wildfire risk. Make everyone dependent on electricity then cutoff electricity.

Natural gas is the most efficient heat source. These Global Warmer religious fanatics never want to let science get in the way of their real agenda… the destruction of the American way of life. Where do they think electricity comes from? 35% comes from natural gas.
These commies are absolute idiots.
90% efficient if you use gas heat less than 50% efficiency if converted to electricity first.
In other words this stupid legislation will increase global warming.

Besides it is direct violation of State title 24 law that bans electrical heat.

Note solar provides 1.6% of US electrical power capacity and can never exceed about 20% without batteries



Moving off gas doesn’t make sense as it will make the grid mismatch worse. No solar generation during night when people need heating. So you will need a lot more investment in wind or hydro or peaker gas generation plants or storage to ensure a demand - capacity match is there.

Simplify infra planning for cities.

Oh boy

What’s the environmental impact of all the poop on sidewalks from the homeless?

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Natural gas is the most efficient heating source. Electricity is inefficient and expensive. These planners are idiots. Where do they think electricity comes from. A lot comes from natural gas and coal

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Yeah, cups are the big problem not human feces and used drug needles on the sidewalk.

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California Restaurants Warn Natural-Gas Ban Takes Seared Steak Off the Table


Nothing has changed in fifty years. Liberals made it a hell hole and it has only gotten worse. Plenty of crime and homeless there since the sixties. 18 year old vote made it worse… Created rent control which made things much worse. Those student voters should all be required to do 2 years of community service… Building homes and helping the needs of the homeless. The Peace Corps for the 21 first century. Let students earn the right for free college, like the Army does