The Next Silicon Valley is China

I’m not sure if the old guard will go down at all in 10 year’s time. They might grow stronger, if anything. However this old guard has some amazing ability to re-invent itself. It has done so 10x over in the past few decades. Let’s see how they fare in another decade.

Let’s see how much return you would have made if you bought properties in Shenzhen right after Tiananmen. I have some distant relatives who became really really rich after developers bought their farmland in Shenzhen.

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Hehehe… why you think I want to go live in China for sexual escapades?


You are MISSING my point. No one ever said money is not being made/printed in China. All I am saying though is that there is always the chance (and a good one at that) that the government comes knocking on your door. For whatever reason. Why would you want to live under such a conditon? Full 100% democracy or no go!!!

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Agree. So is good to prepare for the possibility of a full fledged anti-Asian movement by those redneck midwest guys, personally I avoid going to midWest and the South (Alabama, Georgia). The question is would California and New York become so pissed with mid West to vote for separating from USA. After all, the bulk of the wealth are generated by the coastal states. Kind of like West Coast (Pakistan), Middle America (India) and East Coast (Bangladesh). USA is 241years old, how long can it stay united?

That is true. I have a big mouth that could get me in trouble some times. Need to watch out for that. However my level of interest in politics is next to zero so I’m pretty sure I will not get in trouble with the Chinese government.

Dude, in the Motherland, we both would have our organs harvested by now…:grinning:

Well, you would have had it bad considering all those Mao jacket jokes on top of posting that very sensitive photo… how inappropriate!!! But me??? What have I done?

Can go to Singapore, can talk about politics but just stay clear of commenting on the Lee family. After 1-2 decades, don’t have to be worried about that too.

He is just like another blogger, living in the past.

Come on, satire. Ha, ha…oh, they ain’t laughing…

Um… just stop crying wolf over that Tiananmen tank photo and I think you’ll do fine…

No susession without civil war. So let’s hope it doesn’t happen. A more likely scenario is federal policy will cater more to the middle Americans and hurt us the coastal elites. Even though middle Americans hate us they like our wealth.

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I think it’s more anti rich than anything else. Look at how popular Bernie was every time he said he was going to make the rich pay their fair share. Even Hillary campaigned on raising taxes for the rich out of fairness. All politicians talk a big game about being anti rich right now, because it’s super popular. The magic question is will their actions match the words.

I honestly think the poor are clueless. They’ll vote for the same misguided policies that only serve to hold them back as they have for decades. That’ll let the politicians claim victory for helping the poor while nothing changes.

I would bet a significant percentage of tech companies are, especially if they are pioneering some new technology not just recombining old ones. Like this tiny one called Google:

The National Science Foundation led the multi-agency Digital Library Initiative (DLI) that, in 1994, made its first six awards. One of those awards supported a Stanford University project led by professors Hector Garcia-Molina and Terry Winograd.

Around the same time, one of the graduate students funded under the NSF-supported DLI project at Stanford took an interest in the Web as a “collection.” The student was Larry Page.

NSF and NIH are national treasures. We owe our tech dominance to these programs.

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Coming in late to this thread, but i want to recount something wifey always tells me (btw she’s very loyal to the mainland) about what I think Deng Xiaoping (or Jiang Zemin) said as the Chinese economy was opened up - “Black cat or White cat, I don’t care as long as it can catch mice”

or as she had to explain to me simply, China wanted growth, and it didn’t care how it achieved the growth, as long as there was growth. So people tended to play fast and loose. Better to beg forgiveness or pay the penalty after. This often explains some of the behavior of Chinese companies and a number of Chinese millenials.

“Agree. So is good to prepare for the possibility of a full fledged anti-Asian movement by those redneck midwest guys, personally I avoid going to midWest and the South (Alabama, Georgia). The question is would California and New York become so pissed with mid West to vote for separating from USA. After all, the bulk of the wealth are generated by the coastal states. Kind of like West Coast (Pakistan), Middle America (India) and East Coast (Bangladesh). USA is 241years old, how l”

Hanera, don’t you know that Texas has more rednecks than any other state? How often have you been?
Austin is more known for its smokey redneck bars than its overhyped music scene…I prefer San Antonio, at least it has the Riverwalk and real neighborhoods…

Why would one worry about an anti-Asian movement this day and age in America? This is not the 19th century so relax… yellow peril and Chinese exclusion act are a thing of the past!

Look at the blacks and the Muslims… most of them are doing fine and dandy still. If even these 2 groups manage to survive and thrive then Asians should have nothing to worry about.

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??? Any list of the “next Silicon Valley” without Shenzhen on it means gross negligence on the researchers’ part…

That article is utter crap. Phoenix? WTF?