Why Are We Protecting Illegal Immigrants In This Country?

Which one of you planning to run for Senate?

I would. I need to age a bit more though. Not old enough, and not a citizen yet.

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Be the rich people who buy senators.

hmm, now i should think if i want to be on the receiving side of this! not!

And this is in California. I don’t think there is any more pro illegal immigrant state than CA.

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Haven’t verified this one:

California- half of all immigrant households are on welfare and the state accounts for a third of the nation’s welfare recipients with only 12% of its population, .


What is the point of the legal system when illegal can get away? What is Jerry thinking?



Check out the Democratic Party in the past when it played politics without thinking about the issues.

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@manch spam filter needed. :slight_smile:

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It just takes 3 to flag it :slight_smile:

On this forum he is earning the respect he thinks he deserves .

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Are you a descendent of Rambo?


But Rambo did know it’s NOT only about muscle power/guns :slight_smile:

But Rambo did pornos too before he was a star.

For @sheriff :wink: :slightly_smiling_face:


Even though I am a democrat I agree with this action. People who want to come here should do so legally. If you get illegal immigrants that are arrested for a felony they should be deported. The safest way to do that is to get them when they are released from jail. That way you don’t get other people caught up in immigration sweeps.


Now, the topic about illegal immigration is overrated by the narrative that the “whites” are losing their “status”.

Since we see this narrative started minutes after the cry baby in the white house went down the stairs of his own building by accusing all Mexicans of being criminals, thus revamping the attack to the Hispanic community that is the principal object of this relentless attack.

So, once they get rid of the “Mexicans”, guess who is going to be the next target? Asians! Just wait, just wait.

“It’s much more of a symbolic threat that people feel,’’ said Diana C. Mutz, the author of the study and a political science and communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where she directs the Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics. “It’s not a threat to their own economic well-being; it’s a threat to their group’s dominance in our country over all.”


Well, now is the people from Nepal.
Tomorrow from Vietnam
Next week from Indonesia.

What a nice and understandable country we became.
