Why Are We Protecting Illegal Immigrants In This Country?


On the narrow topic of UC letting illegal immigrants pay in-state tuition or get financial aid/student loan etc, I am quite OK. Just focus for now on the straight business case, the dollars and cents, and set aside the trickier moral question.

Illegal immigrant kids are by and large poorer. For them to get into UC itā€™s quite an achievement. These are smart kids, and more important, highly motivated. These are go-getters! Helping them finish college at UC looks to me a good investment.

More generally, we should help poor people, legal or not, get into and finish college. College graduates have lower unemployment rate and they make more money, therefore pay more taxes and consume less government welfare.

Looks like a good deal to me.

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Why are you responding to my post asking buying house for clarification? Totally unrelated to what youā€™re saying.

Edit: Guess is ok, buying house did it too. Btw, Iā€™m not a fisherman so donā€™t know to catch red herring.


The illegal immigrant students getting a tuition subsidy is at the expense of out of state American citizens. ā€¦It is about the law and fairnessā€¦plus it is a violation of the interstate commerce lawsā€¦The state cannot have power over the federal constitutional lawā€¦


Red herring: Shifts the discussion from the issue to a different topic.

Straw man: Creates, then attacks, a distorted view of the oppositionā€™s argument.

Poisoning the well: Uses language that intimates audience and discourages discussion.

Appeal to pity: Attempts to win our sympathy in order to convince us of the conclusion.

Think we should avoid above fallacious arguments.


Not a-ok with that. illegal means illegalā€¦ when you start with business and moral perspective exceptions, almost every issues can find oneā€¦ illegal means illegal.

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Illegal is not the same as immoral. Whether something is legal or not you only need politicians to vote one way or another. Slavery used to be legal. So was apartheid.

So for me I only care about legality just so I donā€™t get in trouble. Driving above the speed limit is illegal. But we all do it, as long as we donā€™t get caught.

It is about the 10th amendmentā€¦

Americaā€™s leading philosopher: Chris Rock

I thought conservatives are mad about the ever-creeping commerce clause? :slight_smile: Like how everything is framed as interstate commerce so subject to the federal government?

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Donā€™t worry. They will keep going right past America to Canada now. Wish I could too.

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We will win this country back! Have faith! :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

I am seeing a lot of energy on the left. There is good chance we can win back the House in 2018 at leastā€¦

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Donā€™t count on the Houseā€¦the least democratic institution in America, thanks to gerrymandering. .Only 25 seats at most are at risk in an average election yearā€¦Maybe things will change after the 2020 censusā€¦

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Gerrymandering should be struck down as unconstitutional. Really evil and does great harm to the nation.

Thanks to gerrymandering that will never happenā€¦

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California does the right thing. Redistricting is now done by judges instead of pols. Hopefully more states will follow.

not replying to your post, i guess i just click on the wrong reply. sorry about that

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Only hopeā€¦impeachment/25th ammendment & President Pence till 2020. Wonā€™t happen unless Trumpā€™s approval drops low and Republicans donā€™t want to sink with the ship. Penceā€™s stance on woman & LGBT rights makes me sick but he is better than Trump.

Pence is Trumps insurance policy, way more conservative than Trumpā€¦Liberals hate him, but he does have the sanity thing going for himā€¦He even sounds sane while defending Trumps insanityā€¦

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Now it is 240 rebubs and 193 dems