Why Are We Protecting Illegal Immigrants In This Country?

  1. Where is the concept of nation state if everyone can walk in and demand a citizenship?
  2. Where does it leave the people who have come in legally?
  3. USA legally admits 1 million legal immigrants every year.
  4. Construction sites have illegal workers on their sites because they are skilled?
  5. Let’s have open borders, soon USA will have 2 B population, and we will be a land of milk and honey because everyone pays taxes(that’s a joke).
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Tax payers are subsidizing private business profits which are employing non citizens who are present illegally here.

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So do nontaxpayers.


looks like i would make a good republican. didn’t know.

You said taxpayers subsidize businesses who hire illegals. How do they do that? By giving them their business. Illegal immigrants do the same thing.

  1. Taxpayers pay taxes.
  2. Those taxes pay for all facilities provided by the government.
  3. Public schools.
  4. Emergency Medical facilities(where most of them go)
  5. Roads.
  6. etc.

That’s how Taxpayers subsidize directly the children of illegal immigrants some of whom have now become legal & some are daca eligible.
Indirectly, as you mention the businesses can provide lower priced products by not providing providing jobs to legal residents.

Illegal immigrants have done a balance sheet(credit debit statement) calculation before they make their journey to the United States.

The solution is not to make them legal. That only encourages more of the same behavior.


There’s no way they pay more than they take out. Even Diane Feinstein used to be for controlling the border and cited the costs. Do you think illegals even come close to paying enough property taxes to cover the cost of K-12 schooling for their kids? Even if you give them credit for the property tax paid from their rent, there’s a huge gap. Especially when you consider all the ESL kids in schools require higher staffing levels.

You can also see it in CA income tax data. The state population has doubled while the number or income tax payers has stayed flat. They aren’t contributing state income taxes thanks to deductions and credits. If they are paid under the table, then there’s no way they are contributing.

Then there’s national income tax data that says over 40% of households don’t pay income taxes. Do you really think illegals are going to earn enough to pay a meaningful amount of income taxes? Even if they report their income, they aren’t going to pay income taxes.

Now you’re down to payroll taxes and half of that is paid by the employer, and that’s only if they are working legally. If they are working illegally, there’s no payroll taxes.

Their main tax contribution will be sales tax which isn’t going to be a lot due to their income level.


That’s not what you said. You said tax payers are subsidizing private business profits. Government is not a private business.


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I think I was pretty clear. So, I won’t repeat myself.

I don’t see anyone proposing open borders, even the hard left. So don’t waste energy even bringing that up. What’s most urgent is what do you do with the millions of illegal immigrants already among us, many have lived here for decades.

We need to balance the “law and order” hardcore “just get rid of them”, with more pragmatic concerns how removing millions of people will do to their families and communities. Many are parents to American citizen children.

When CA won’t help DHS, ICE, etc etc etc… I’m reminded of the idiom A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, i.e. the word “open borders” is not used but that’s what has been going on for a while.

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Trump offered a path to citizenship and a limit on chain migration to direct (parents and children) family members. Democrats shutdown the government, because they wanted chain migration for all family members. That’s why they’re still in limbo.


I am somewhat against to chain immigration, except maybe under extreme circumstances - like political instability in home country. I would think of getting my parents permanent residency (because where i came from is not that stable politically) but i would not imagine them living here unless situation is very bad, or want them stay here forever. They have no friends, nothing to contribute to society at that age, and so on.

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That’s why you need to make $$$$, so you can take care of them.

That’s called “me first”’.

Aviva Chomsky, a professor at Salem State College, states that “Early studies in California and in the Southwest and in the Southeast…have come to the same conclusions. Immigrants, legal and illegal, are more likely to pay taxes than they are to use public services. Illegal immigrants are not eligible for most public services and live in fear of revealing themselves to government authorities. Households headed by illegal immigrants use less than half the amount of federal services that households headed by documented immigrants or citizens make use of.”[38]

National Public Radio (NPR) wrote in 2006: “Supporters of a crackdown argue that the U.S. economy would benefit if illegal immigrants were to leave, because U.S. employers would be forced to raise wages to attract American workers. Critics of this approach say the loss of illegal immigrants would stall the U.S. economy, saying illegal workers do many jobs few native-born Americans will do.”[26]

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Let’s just focus on what to do with the 11m illegals currently in the country. Are you saying we should just tear apart all the families and throwing their American children into foster care at taxpayers’ expense? Just throw them to streets?

Stop fantasizing about repealing the 14th amendment. I want to win the powerball too.

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So it’s a net $20B/yr loss to California.

What part of Trump’s proposal do you disagree with? It seemed more than fair.