Berkeley violence: Anti Marxist vs Anti-Fascist

I am meeting McClintock today. Anything you all want to ask him?

Tell him many people are angered by Prop 10. Ask him to push the Supreme Court and the Congress to ban rent control


I will. I also will tell him how locals are disgusted with TRPA

Eviction control makes no sense. Tell him to push supreme Court to look at eviction control, just cause eviction forever and never ending rent control policy

Vote for the young woman instead and kick Trump in the nuts.

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Jessica is a typical lying Democrat. Next thing she will be claiming to be part Native American

Stretching resumes is part of the Democratic conspiracy.

Give me a question to ask Tom. We are meeting in a neighbors back yard.

Let me donate some money to Jessica.

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Give her whatever. But if you want a question answered will ask it. Ask her about rent control immigration healthcare.

One party rule will terminate the golden state. We need to change our vote to republicans in California to restore balance. Democratic Party officially endorsed Prop 10, it has started the termination of its political monopoly

Keep the liberal money in the BA. Eldorado county is Rock ribbed Republican. We don’t want any outside agitators :face_vomiting:

I’d move to know how Trump is fascist.

  1. Dictator - no
  2. Use military power to silence opponents - no
  3. Control of industry - he’s lowering regulations not increasing them
  4. Control of commerce - maybe tariffs but the end goal is no tariffs

The anti democracy thing is hilarious considering how the DNC behaved and how super delegates voted for Hillary regardless of the popular vote in their state. That’s actually fascist.

I also feel that Democratic Party is closer to fascism than Republican Party.

Also communist countries are also much closer to fascism.

What’s the difference between communism and fascism? They seem to come together.

Deregulation is the way to combat both communism and fascism

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Leftists call anyone that doesn’t swallow their crap fascist
Therefore they are Fascist by definition .

Silencing the right on campus
BLM, and Antifa are using fascist tactics.

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Obama supports BLM, it’s surprising

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Some video on youtube. so which side is which.

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