Bitcoin's 10 trillion dollar valuation is fast approaching

Down 90%

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Bitcoin has no value

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Now below $3,500.

Was in 3200s. Will go below 3000 soon.

I bet bulk of the investors are of Chinese origin. It was an American design to take down Chinese economy.

Americans see conspiracies everywhere.

China actually bans crypto exchanges operating in China to take Chinese nationals’ money. But they allow them to take money from foreigners though. Interesting twist.

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I think it cuts both ways - the Americans see Chinese conspiracies everywhere as a way to challenge and take-down American might.

At the same time, the Chinese see western conspiracies everywhere as a way, historically, to keep the “sick man of Asia” down.

There is truth in both points of view. But, I think the government of both countries are culpable - both countries stir up feelings of FUD and resentment in their population to subtly demonize the other “side”.

Instead, the governments of both countries should encourage more cultural and societal exchange – which is particularly difficult (and requires us all to redouble our efforts) because of the language barrier. Only by communicating can one empathize with the other’s point of view.

Academically objective.

Everyone understands English in this forum :roll_eyes: Most people choose to believe rather than try to understand. USA always seem to see ghost, previous was Soviet Union, now that it was broken apart, the new ghost is China. Explain :slight_smile:

Trump keeps making assertions. His supporters mindlessly believe without trying to understand. :grinning: Ask for clarification, make even more accusations and assertions, no clarification or explanation of the why or historical background.

I think the reason why the US always needs to find an enemy is because in the absence of enemies, the US lacks common ethnicity to bind its population together as one. Sure, nearly everyone in the USA share a sense of “wanting to be free” or “justice and liberty for all,” but those high minded concepts have a tough time competing with more baser instincts like “FEAR THE ENEMY!”

That’s why Muslims right now and, to a lesser degree, the Chinese, get demonized in the USA right now. What’s your explanation?

Singapore is a successful multi-racial nation. We didn’t have a make-up foe. Instead we treat every nations as our partners.

Btw I understood your explanation from the psychological perspective.

Hence, this is why I admire LKY. That said, Singapore probably has an easier time of it — Singapore is much less geographically diverse than the USA and its population is several orders of magnitude smaller than the USA.

What can the USA learn from Singapore about multiracial harmony?

Instead of feeding on fear, try doing the opposite, use love. I’m not a Christian, is this saying “love thy enemy” from the Bible? Actually, tech industry is able to transcend the fear element. It is other parts of USA especially the South & Mid West, that is not able to. Essentially Trump supporters, they are mostly non-hispanic white.

Stop using Americans (non-hispanic white), hispanic Americans, African Americans… it creates a subconscious psychological effect to indicate that USA is a non-hispanic white nation. All should be referred to as Americans.

“Instead of feeding on fear, try doing the opposite, use love.” — Good Suggestion. What do you think are the primary factors preventing us Americans from embracing one another rather than fearing each other? How were Singaporeans able to do this?

Most people hate other races because they live in their own bubbles and don’t mingle with people of other races. How many of you have black neighbors? Hispanic neighbors?

Singapore mixes people up by decree. HDB flats have racial quotas to make sure people of different races don’t live in their own silos.

I personally like that policy. Corollary is that maximum personal freedom like that championed in the west may not be the best policy for the whole society.

I don’t know enough of American history :hugs: In Singapore, we do forced integration :slight_smile: Every HDBs building must have a certain % of Malays, Indians, other non-Chinese, essentially force the disintegration of racial communities/ enclaves - we use to have neighborhoods dominated by one race, now every neighborhood has about the same racial mix. Also, make English the official language of the nation and primary instructional language in schools - however, we allow a 2nd language known as mother-tongue to be taught to keep their racial/ cultural root. All religious buildings e.g. mosques, temples, churches, … enjoyed the same property tax-free status + other benefits such as nobody can take over the buildings unless you want to sell it. During national day, the speech focus on Singapore economy, public infrastructure and progress, nothing about races.

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The TLDR version is, some folks in England (the Puritans) wanted to do things their own way. They got sick of other people telling them what they could/could not do, so the Puritans said, “Screw you guys, I’m going across the ocean and I’m gonna live among my own peeps 'cuz ain’t no one gonna tell me what to do.” :slight_smile:

This is a great technique. Forced inter-living. However, this cannot possibly work in the USA right? Since the USA is all about “ain’t no one gonna tell me what to do!” ??


Is there another way to accomplish this while still preserving some of the characteristics that make American society unique (i.e. obstinance - haha). In San Francisco public schools, kids get bussed all over so that the public schools are kind of more integrated that regular neighborhoods are.

What do you guys think?

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BTW – I agree with this 100%.

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Speech used to be tightly controlled because people are easily influenced by good orators. Remember in early days, most Singaporeans didn’t even complete Elementary Schools. Now nearly everyone has high school education, and I believe 70-80% have higher than high school i.e. Singapore is now a middle-class heavy nation. So a lot less control on speech, you have to be making very unstabilizing and disrespectful speech to get into trouble like that kid, even then we didn’t jail him.

SG makes heavy use of libel suits though. Just last week? it sued some guy posting “false accusations” on Facebook.

People lamenting the loss of freedom in HK don’t realize HK still has more freedom than SG. :smile:

OK good point — how does one explain that people are easily influenced by Trump, who is an incredibly poor orator himself? :wink:

People with less education like Trump because he talks like them.