Definition Of Idiots: SF Board Of Supervisors + DA

Stupid legislation really. Ok, so it is ok to raise the rent to market (which is really fine since that’s probably what we owners should want anyway) but you can’t go above and beyond that. No definition of what market rent is. Is there a source or index?

Stupid supersivor should go to jail for 6 months for proposing bad regulations, 6 months for each bad regulation proposed.

Drug addict: we’ll give you needles
Landlord that increases rent: we’ll send you to jail

Why would a landlord raise the rent far above market if they are only going to get market rent once the tenant moves out? It seems like the logical thing to do would be raise it to market rate. If the tenant pays it, then you avoid vacancy. I suspect these people are out of touch with the market, and they think their current rent is market. If that was true, then they’d be able to find another place for the same rent. The fact they can’t just proves they are paying below market.

"In a 2015 case in Bernal Heights, Deb Follingstad’s landlord modified her two-unit home into a single-family unit. That allowed her landlord to legally increase Follingstad’s rent from $2,145 to $8,900, as the unit was no longer subject to rent control. In other cases, landlords have done things such as removing a kitchen and a bathroom within a two-unit home to turn it into a single-family home.

Follingstad’s case caught wide attention in the Bay Area as an illustration of the out-of-control housing market. Follingstad, who moved out of the home after the rent increase, filed a wrongful eviction suit against her former landlord and won a $400,000 settlement two years later."

That’s insane. Never buy a duplex in SF then.

“but his rent was jacked up from $2,400 to $4,000 a month”

Isn’t $4k/mo a reasonable rent for a SFH in SF? This just goes to show tenants feel below market rent is an entitlement not a gift.

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Single family is exempt. This looks like the camels nose under the tent.

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Exactly, so I am hoping this would be struck down in court…

Its purpose is to allow tenant lawyers to file lawsuit against single family house and condo landlord.

‘Tobener said he would often win wrongful eviction cases like Follingstad’s, but the San Francisco Superior Court has “reversed course” and suddenly stopped allowing such cases to go forward. Because of the uncertainty, Tobener said Ronen’s legislation is particularly important.’

Follingstad only got a quarter of the $400k. The Stupes work for tenants rights groups and lawyers. Any home owner who votes for these thieves is a fool.

That case was a bad case and the San Francisco Superior Court has stopped allowing such cases to move forward. This poo poo regulation is proposed to allow those pop pop lawyers to sue landlord. With a 6 month jail time as a threat, those poo poo lawyers can extract more money from the non-rent controlled landlord.

Poo poo politicians and poo poo tenant rights lawyers are working together behind the scene to propose poo poo regulations to enrich the poo poo lawyers.

If this regulation passes, whenever a non rent controlled landlord raise rent for a reasonable amount, those poo poo tenant lawyers can file a junk lawsuit for free and use legal terrorism to extract settlement from the landlord and the insurance company. Landlord insurance can go through the roof.

“Tobener said he would often win wrongful eviction cases like Follingstad’s, but the San Francisco Superior Court has “reversed course” and suddenly stopped allowing such cases to go forward. Because of the uncertainty, Tobener said Ronen’s legislation is particularly important.”

Sure, safety is #1 but cost (not one red cent) can be passed onto the tenants. OMG, give me a sized L Mao jacket please…

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Not to be “outdone” by the City of Mountain View…

Wow. It’s like they want to drive tech out of SF.

They just want to squeeze every drop to support their crazy agenda items…

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Most companies in SF use catering services like ZeroCater and Eat Club which source from local restaurants anyway. And if it’s not applied retroactively then it won’t have much of an impact.

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Hillary Ronen again!

How can 30k employees find enough restaurant near the office?

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Hillary Ronen is simply outmatched and out of touch with reality…

Might be brainwashed by South American socialism

Socialism is driven by envy. One of the seven deadly sins. Pure evil

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Can the Bored Of Stupidvisors actually legally do this? I wonder if this is another POS legislation that will be struck down in the courts.

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Who has the time or the money to go out to lunch?
The days of the three martini expense account lunch are over.
35 years ago my subcontractors would take me out to lunch. I knew every cool lunch place in SF. Especially the ones with a lingerie lunch.
One of my favorites was the Old Clam House.