Facebook etiquette?

Can someone explain to me Facebook etiquette to me?

I get the feeling that people think that a Facebook wall is like a newspaper that they are writing, and they think it’s inappropriate for there to be any negative comments on it.

So for example, in my feed nowadays, I get tons and tons of anti-Trump rants about immigrant family separation. And I say things like “you know, this has been going on for years” and giving examples of what CPS has been doing from tearing apart immigrant families in CA to taking kids from Native American tribes where they get a kickback from the Feds for doing it.

What I don’t understand is that I occasionally get a “this is my wall, you have no right to post stuff like that on it” kind of response. On the one hand, maybe I’m not responding in the most polite way–which in a couple of cases has been true, I’ll admit. So I could see people feeling like they’re being ranted at in their own home and they [don’t] feel safe. Like you have a party, someone gets drunk and starts insulting guests, and you ask them to leave. On the other hand, if someone’s posting stuff and there’s a comments section, why is it wrong to respond with an alternate viewpoint?

So I’m just wondering here, what the heck is proper Facebook etiquette? Can you only post things that support what the OP posted? Is it rude to present an opposing viewpoint? Or is it just rude to be aggressive/abrasive in your response? Is there a set of unspoken rules that I’m violating, or is everyone different where some people like having discussions with different viewpoints and others want no one ever to say something dissenting?

You need new friends. That will translate into some new feeds.

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I guess that’s why I’m here… We discuss opposing viewpoints, and no one says “get the heck off my thread.” Although maybe we say things like “Could we get back to the original subject or start a new thread?” which i think is ok.

My facebook etiquette is “like” or ignore, & 98% is ignore. “Like” only for non controversial stuff such as birthdays, the wonderful vacation :wink: , eating out etc etc… so that people feel like hollywood superstars they think they are :smile:

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Stopped using facebook in 2012 or so. No regrets.

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So essentially you have a no-politics facebook feed?

I have politics feed but I don’t participate but just an observer.

Politics and God… stay away from open participation, only do it when people do not know who I am, such as this forum.

Please tell me you still have FB stocks.

I bought some this year at the dip and sold it too soon :frowning: exited in the 180s. My wife was pretty mad at me. She told me she would have told me to keep it if i had told her…

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I am just the opposite. I used to use Twitter a lot. Nowadays I am mostly on Facebook.

Don’t use twitter either or social media in general. Need to stay anonymous as 25%+ of my time is spent with customer interaction at a senior level. So don’t need something to come back to bite me because my personal life entangles my professional life.


So what’s your policy?

Good policy. I do sometimes wonder if I should say as much as I do there. I try to think about what I post in the context of the worst case person seeing it.

My policy is never argue with people on Facebook. You are arguing in the comments section of someone else’s posts. The format just doesn’t lend itself to meaningful discussion. Plus the OP can delete your posts outright. The power dynamics is really one sided.

The only reason I keep a FB account is to monitor if people are participating. I see, people drop off but 8/10 come back, the need “For their views/voice/pictures to be heard/seen is too powerful”.

As long as that is the case & people want to stay connected and due to network effect(i.e. everyone is there on FB) we should be ok as stockholders.

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Interesting. While I can see that being a safe policy, doesn’t it make you sad that we can’t have a real debate or discussion or heart-to-heart conversation over differences with our friends? I feel like the thing that is most wrong with our world is that we’ve lost the capacity to have that debate.

I’m ok with people being able to delete comments. If someone wants to censor a real discussion, then they are not a person I can be friends with. And if I was rude, and they delete the comment, maybe it’s just as well.

Facebook really has a radicalizing effect on people. It only shows stuff you agree to, so people lose the ability to have disagreements on opinions. Everyone is living in their own AI empowered echo chamber.


Yah one of the reasons I dropped off it. I prefer small group communication. So have a number of google hangouts groups. My wife uses Wechat. For professional rolodex management, I use LinkedIn. Facebook really needs to step up to combat Wechat or they will get crushed over time.

Interesting. I do as well but have felt like there must be something wrong with me…

I way prefer having a one-on-one with a friend over things we completely disagree on because I feel like we can address our differences in a relatively safe and even manner. Mostly do it over the phone, but sometimes in person. It’s easier to know when to stop, and easier to not get attacked by a crowd.

Maybe I should just accept that FB is not my thing.

Never used Wechat. How is Wechat better than FB?