Global warming. ..June snow

I’d love to see an analysis of the environmental impact of going back to horses vs. using cars. Horses poop an awful low and methane is 20x worse of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Plus, there’s growing all the food for the horses to eat.

It sure beats the heck out of cooling. The implications of THAT would be TRULY scary.
And we are about due for another ice age.

If you want to see a BOATLOAD of methane spewing out imagine if we restored the 60 million buffalo we wiped out!

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Well that’s about as scientific as the hot air spewing from the climateers!

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Actually the poop sequestered carbon and built up the topsoil. Might have been a net-win. We’d do well to go back to grazing ruminants.

Why? Given the global food economy, the places that suffered most in the last mini-ice age would be able to import food if they can’t grow it. Plus they would have access to seeds that were appropriate for the new climate.

Climate change scientists have a political agenda. Just like the mother of the environmentalists Rachel Carson. Never let facts get in the way of a good story. She got the whole environmental movement stared with Silent Spring. How DDT was killing all the birds. Never mind that cats kill 10 times more birds. 3 billion vs 3,00,000 due to agricultural sprays. This is from tree hugger magazine. Environmentalists themselves

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Except renewables are becoming cheaper than other sources of energy. Coal is already done. So if by “bankrupt” you mean economically prosperous, yes.

So we don’t need a ton of regulation. The free market will take care of everyone switching to renewables. The US is leading the world in CO2 reduction.

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I think the tax incentives for installing renewables has done a lot to push their adoption.

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In general yes I think we are at or close to that point. Unfortunately the lobbying and influence of the oil/gas etc companies is quite strong and will slow down adoption relative to a free market situation

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Absolutely it has. And that’s the point, to allow enough time to R&D competitive technology and economies of scale that otherwise wouldn’t have happened on its own this quickly. Money well spent considering its a fraction of the negative externalities of fossil fuel byproducts

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The environmental movement has created a lot of harm with its myths and misinformation.
Global warming had been accelerated with the the ban on nuclear plants. And Rachel Carson single handily murdered millions with her less than factual attacks on DDT. Which actually has been reinstated by the world health organization. When silent spring was written Malaria had almost been eradicated.
Now it kills millions.


Global cooling makes far more land unproductive than global warming. We’d be reduced to cutting down the rain forests so we could grow all our food near the equator.


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Jeff Bezos just bought 100,000 EVs?

The environmental movement became a religion by 1970. Started with lies in Silent Spring. Then earth day. Love canal. Most big pollution issues were solved in the 1970s
But the religious fanaticism has continued.
Mostly caused by a reaction to urbanization.
I think that is what has caused the great divide between the Red and Blue states.
Rural America doesn’t see the results of urbanization and wonders what all the fuss is about.

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I would bet money it’s a net savings for the company. EV charging is cheaper than buying gas. It’s the same as Amazon went huge into renewable energy once it was cheaper than traditional energy. You get to make huge headlines for doing the right thing, and it’s a cost savings.

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The hypocrisy of it all is that urban America does most of the consuming.

Think how wasteful it is to go to eat out every day. Or Starbucks? Country living is for me.