House Price Prediction 2020

Isn’t that about 12% drop? From 145 to 128 (assuming your cost was 100).

@13%-15%. Current redfin prices show 26%, So (145-126)/126

There was one house which went at 150%. Same sq ft and same area, however its insides had little better quality stuff. So adjusted the price down from 150 to 145 in order to compare to my house.

What? After so much reading of business textbook, you only aware of this now?

Most people think like @Boolean Textbook theory be damned. Is not always about max ROI.

By we, you mean I? You and your wife? Btw, keep up with the Joneses, drop looking at Milbrae, buy in PA or better still one up by buying in Atherton.

I prefer using ROHE as a matrix. Return on Human Effort. Or I would say ROPE. Return on Personal Effort.

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Me2. One of the reason to retire from W2. You get crumbs while making loaves for your boss especially true for startups. Any1 young coming to SV should try to start their own businesses. There are plenty of high ROPE jobs elsewhere, no need to come to SV for W2.

Li Ka-shing, the richest Chinese once said, I paraphrase, dumb to work for others, should always invest in yourself.

There are intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs, and there is selfpreneurs (this is the word I coined) .

Anyway. Great people think alike.

Btw, when you’re poor, can’t go for max ROPE, need to go for high absolute $$$ to build up funds for investment.

True. I do not who said it first. Aristotle I guess.

Poor people work for money. Rich people have money working for them.

But, the fact is that most people who are poor (of the destitute type) are poor because they do not have money handling skills (like prioritizing and budgeting).

Fool and his money, soon part.

The secret to wealth is buy appreciating assets not depreciating items like cars. Never buy a car with a loan. Pay cash. To save money, Don’t eat out or go to Starbucks and don’t waste money on vacations. Number one…Live below your means.


Trump just signed the Trade deal. After impeachment gets out of the house …we are looking at fabulous spring in Bay Area


Either you or your spouse is a good cook or you live like a monk :laughing:

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The kid/s later have a taste of life with Dad’s money :smile:

I am a good cook. But I can afford to eat out. My advice about avoiding eating out is for those seeking wealth. Once you have achieved your financial goals then enjoy life’s pleasures. But eating fancy rich meals is not smart at my age. I waste my money on skiing, sailing and wine making. I rarely find a restaurant meal worth the price or better than I can cook myself. I do recommend Hog Wild in Placerville…the best smoked bbq ribs anywhere. My wife only lets me go there a max of once a month. She doesn’t let me eat pizza or carbs either.
I cooked broiled salmon with a beurre blanc sauce last night with zucchini salad. So healthy I could die… but tasty too


OMG… No wonder you are so pissed. :scream:

Married people live longer, they just wish they didn’t :sunglasses:

BTW, she won’t let eat Chinese food either. Too many carbs salt and fat. Sushi, Vietnamese and Thai food is ok. That is what we often eat when we eat out.

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If you eat out often, you will able to keep track of inflation better. Food prices are the most honest indicator of inflation

I disagree because eating out is discretionary. If the cost goes up you can order a cheaper item, go some where cheaper or stay at home. The FED CPI is accurate enough. Wage inflation is key. It is going up due to the minimum wage increases. However employers are resisting it with added automation and lowering amount of hours worked.