How I made sure all 12 of my kids could pay for college themselves

How do people do minors in CS? Or is that a thing of the past?

Is this a stated policy at UCs - that they won’t consider bottom 90% for any HS for admission? Or more of a pattern that people have observed?

Everyone keeps reference top 10% are promised admission to one of the UC schools.

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Because there is so much competition trying to switch majors it’s like applying to college all over again.

Not sure the application process has changed. I recalled there are two type of applications, and if your first choice didn’t get in, you end up competing for a smaller vacancy for 2nd choice. Hence is best to put as first choice the UC that you think has the highest chance. For example, your highest chance is UCX, should put 1. UCX, 2. UCB, 3. UCLA. Putting 1. UCB, 2. UCLA, 3. UCX and you are likely to be rejected because there could be no vacancy when come to your 3rd choice because slots are allocated to first choice guys, and any vacancy to 2nd choice. Even if there are vacancy, 9% might be reached. Now that I think of it, is possible not get into any UCs for good GPA/ SAT.

I don’t think it’s strictly necessary to major in CS to have a career in SWE. You can do a reasonably rigorous STEM subject like physics and math and if you want to do programming just enroll in one of the boot camps. CS is much easier than math IMO. Just a couple books on algorithm and data structure and pick up a language like python and you are good to go.


A SF carnival lasting n days has a bao eating competition. You will make exactly $bj when you join the competition on jth day. For each competition entered, you need to rest exactly 2 days before and after the competition i.e. j-2 to j+2 can’t compete if join competition on jth day. Give us a bao eating plan that maximizes money earned during this carnival.

Is very easy, so how long can you come up with an algorithm :slight_smile: No need to code.

Have you tried usaco platinum questions?

There are hard problems in CS. No doubt. I am not saying CS is easy. I am just saying math and physics are usually harder. The hard problems in math are brain cracking hard.


Agree. And the hard CS problems are probably really hard math problems that have to be implemented.


@manch is not a CS major :shushing_face: so didn’t know cs means implementing a computing (maths) solution.

With CS someone can start from nothing to the absolute frontier of research in two or three years. Look at the Turing Award. For example the Berkeley-Stanford duo won it for RISC last year. Many years ago the guy who invented C got it. UNIX inventors got it too. You looked at these and you may say to yourself these don’t look too hard. You could have done it yourself.

Contrast that with the fields medal. To even understand the problem statement you need 6 or 7 years of high level math.

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Insulting CS professors. So easy then no need to get a degree. Stay at home and study online :innocent:

You said cs is easier than IMO.
Hence, i thought you were comparing IMO vs IOI.
From my perspective, even (recent) usaco silver level questions are challenging for high school student. From this level, you should know most of concepts covered in college level algorithm course. Anyway, i studied EE, thus, not in good position to judge the difficulty between math vs cs.

IMO is “in my opinion” to me. I didn’t mean international math Olympiad.

That’s the most tiger parent interpretation of IMO ever. :smile:

Not insulting at all. It’s faster to get to the frontier, so a CS professor can probably do more productive work that a math professor. CS is a much younger field than math and one can have much bigger impact there.

@manch Wonder whether you are aware of the age old debate of engineers vs scientists (maths, physics), who is better?

Answer has always been scientists are theoreticians and daydream about abstract concepts. Engineers are pragmatic and made things happened. So content wise, maths is harder but scientists only know how to talk amongst themselves, talking about their research papers in a conference, worse than talking about soldiering on paper. Engineers simplify theories so they can be implemented, work with people to build stuffs, thus improve quality of life.
