Let The Games Begin! (Democratic Candidates Vying For 2020 Run)

Pinnacle achievement is to be POTUS?

Starbucks guy’s platform is that of a fiscal conservative. He could steal some votes from Trump side too.

Would love to see Schultz win the Democratic nomination…unfortunately not getting my hopes up.

Boycott Starbucks to punish its former CEO’s potential presidential run?

“The perceived potential for Schultz inadvertently helping Trump has already triggered some calls for action against the company, with social media hashtags such as “Boycott Starbucks” making the rounds on Twitter.”

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It’s amazing to watch the left eat one of their own. It’s laughable he thinks of himself as a moderate. It tells you how far left the democrats have gone.

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Schultz is just a smarter Trump without the racism. I agree with Nate Silvers. It’s not at all a foregone conclusion that Schultz will hand Trump a victory.

No mention of the Bologna family murders. That will cause Harris just as much trouble.


Interesting opinion piece on Schultz in the NYT today. Guess I am in the 3.8%. Marcus, who would you consider a moderate democrat/moderate republican?

"In a 2017 study, the political scientist Lee Drutman plotted the 2016 electorate along two axes, one dealing with social issues and identity, the other with economics and trade. Only 3.8 percent of voters fell into the socially liberal/economically conservative quadrant.

Indeed, Trump’s campaign demonstrated that the truly underserved market in American politics was voters who are socially conservative but economically liberal — the photonegative of what Schultz is offering. Such voters — the type who might resent both immigrants and Wall Street — make up 28.9 percent of the electorate, according to Drutman’s study."

I consider Kasich moderate. I think Bill Clinton was moderate as President. Unfortunately, moderates get killed in the primaries. They don’t excite the primary voter base.

Agree on both. Too bad slick willy was such a sleaze. The two party system is a rut that serves politician’s rather than our country’s interests. I’d like to see more states adopt CAs nonpartisan primary.

Rank choice will do wonder for moderates. Open primary and less gerrymandering help a lot too.

Honestly, if the person does a good job, then I can overlook the character flaws. I care more about results. Some of the greatest presidents and leaders had major character flaws.

I wish we’d get back to the federal government thst was intended by the constitution. Let states decide things. Then everyone’s vote counts more, and people can live in the state that fits their political leaning.

Harris would enact the “College for All Act” proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. That would create a government funding program that would pay for tuition and fees at public colleges and universities for students with incomes of $125,000 a year or less. This would be funded by a fee on Wall Street firms of 0.5 percent per stock trade

Look at last sentence, any one likes it?


I don’t believe the math that the tax would cover it. No one wants to talk about why college is so expensive. Administrative staffing levels are through the roof. They are growing 5-10x faster than the number of students. That started when the federal government made it easy to borrow money for tuition.

okie to me since I don’t trade often. No more super computers trading :slight_smile:

I’m all for states rights but dishonesty is a deal killer.

This is the argument the dems put forward around Bill. Sure, everyone has character flaws. The issue is the coverup and violation of trust between elected officials and the American people. If they’ll lie about something as inconsequential as a romp with an intern (when everyone already knows about it) how can you believe anything else they say? How can our allies trust them? How can you judge whether they’re doing a good job? It might as well all be a facade.

Actually we should charge even more. How about 5% if you day trade? That should put a stop to the HFT guys who are adding a tremendous amount of volatility to the market.

In return get rid of capital gain tax.

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If you trust politicians, you’re going to go through life disappointed. It’s better to assume that they’re always lying. Watch their actions and monitor the results.

Many people think tons of programs are good, since the peoole implementing them speak of great intentions. If you watch actual results, you realize the programs vary from totally ineffective to extremely harmful. Yet, people keep voting for more of the same programs, since they’re focused on the speaking of good intentions.

Dems means tax,tax,tax…tax everyone.

Reps means tax reduction, tax reduction, tax reduction…to everyone, corp or individual…Everyone.


California is often mocked for its taxes, including many on this forum itself. And yet most of us still chose to live here. Why?

America has way more taxes than Hong Kong and Singapore, and yet both me and @hanera are still here. Why again?

Taxes are the money you spend. Think about what you get in return.

I don’t think I will convince anybody who has already made up their mind. I am a reformed libertarian. I used to think like you when I was younger.