Money Or Happiness?

I don’t care. Actually I hope my offspring do the smart thing and sell the RE — the whole point of RE is so that when I pass away, the depreciation recapture gets washed away and my offspring’s cost basis gets reset. That’s the one time you get to “cheat” Uncle Sam — when you pass away. So, basically, I get to enjoy all the benefits of depreciation while I am living, and neither I nor my progeny ever have to “pay” for it.


Too bad my grandparents did not leave me anything (nor will my parents). I would never sell any of it.

Wow, ok, I admire that. Presumably you’ve raised your kids to not waste money anyway so you feel reasonably confident they will do the right thing. I just wouldn’t want the offspring to buy fast cars and blow the money on Eight Tables dinners every night when you drove a Toyota (if you do/did) all your life and ate out only occasionally. Let’s be honest, building that empire was not easy. I would think you would your heirs to respect that and either preserve it or even better grow it.

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Sour grape.

Fate is cruel :cry:

Right, why should we the old generation care, especially after we are gone? As long as the kids are happy that’s all we should care. The worst thing is to rule from six feet under.

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You got the double whammy. Didn’t you post earlier today young men don’t even want to work nowadays? Lots of soft rice kings out there. :smile:

Both you and her need to understand the world has changed, is ok for women be the breadwinner and take care of the men. Tell your daughters that. When they are ready, I can introduce my sons to them :grinning:

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

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Maybe @harriet can take care of two or three soft rice kings with her manager salary.

I’d rather burn the money down into ashes.

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Why not use your money to capture a nice, handsome soft-rice eating husband. Ask him to give you a good massage every night if you feel bad about the money… :rofl:

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I actually don’t like massages at all :thinking:

Do you have to send money back ever month to the 7x7 if you move to Fremont?

You don’t like strangers touching your body?

Sending money is so impersonal - hand delivery all the way :money_with_wings:

You like strangers touching yours? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think it depends… :rofl:

BAJacket goes to massage parlor often :shushing_face:

Btw, who is the male hair hairstylist that cut and style your hair? You know him very well?

@hanera - Spas! Get it right. :joy::rofl:

I agree with this. Being on top and proactive about things really helps keep things running smoothly.

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