Money Or Happiness?

Hey, whatever floats your boat, I guess…


It comes down to different views on inequality: conservatives tend to rationalize and accept it while liberals seek to change it.


Didn’t liberals also have parents that taught them that nothing is free in this world and if you want something you have to earn it??? I don’t recall getting a Mao jacket for Christmas ever…

I support equal opportunity. I don’t support forced equalization of outcomes. That’s going too far and eliminates personal responsibility and reward for decisions.

I point to the 29/30 Seattle homeless who refused help when an encampment was closed. Liberals will go crazy over that and demand we do something to help the 29. They say we need new programs. We need to spend more on the existing programs. They’ll try to justify why we need to equalize outcomes for those people. I look at it as those peoole made their choice and most programs are just enabling them and not helping them.

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That makes a lot of sense. People at the lower end are probably still working and feel more upper-middle class in high cost cities. $8-10M is where you could never work again and still afford to raise a family in a high cost city.

“Another significant finding, says Donnelly, was that millionaires are happier when their wealth is earned rather than attained through marriage or inheritance.”

Yes, earn it. And what about those 800,000 hard-working people who have had their pay withheld indefinitely by a big, fat billion$ couch potato who has a record of stiffing his own employees and bankrupting businesses. Where’s the personal responsibility there?

I don’t want to start a fight but you can’t ignore the contradictions staring at us in the face.


Let’s be honest. The shutdown is because democrats don’t want to secure the border. Illegals have babies that are citizens, and those babies will overwhelming vote Democrat. It’s simple math that more illegals sneaking in means more democrat votes. In 20-30 years, they’ll have a political lock on the presidency.

They’re willing to sacrifice all the people killed by illegals and all the deaths due to drugs from Mexico. That’s just collateral damage to their end goal, and in their minds the end justifies the means.

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Well, The Donald did pretty say that he wanted a wall from the beginning. Sure, he also said he would make Mexico pay for it too. Despite that being laughable, the wall is something he essentially said he would do and he ran on that and well the voters decided that he was the man for the job. Frankly I don’t necessarily think it is a bad idea for better security. We should protect the rightful citizens of this country, shouldn’t we? Two words: Kate Steinle. Just like union employees who may one day need to walk the picket lines, these government workers should have known that there may come a day that the government might shut down. It has happened before. It is what it is. My company decided to move, do I have a say in it? Sure, it was lip service but at the end of the day I have to find another way to work soon. Frankly, I don’t really feel sorry for anybody when it comes to finances. My wife and I don’t spend a lot of money, yet we both wake up every working day at 6am to do the grind once again. We both have worked since young teenagers. My wife supports her family back home by sending money pretty much from Day 1 in coming to this country. We both sock it away even though we have quite a bit but we both know there may be a rainy day coming. If we can think like that, I expect others to do the same. Sorry, no tears from me…


Yes, I am willing to bet he would take happiness…

The Republicans submitted a bill in Congess which would have paid federal workers while this gets resolved. The Democrats killed it.

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I find it really hard to believe that a clean bill that would have JUST paid all federal workers while this was hammered out was killed. Sure there weren’t any strings attached?

They can exploit the shutdown for political gain. The idea that politicians care about the people is laughable.

Nope. The Dems just killed it for the added drama.

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Does that mean you are not going to have kids?

It means she has not been making her parent happy. Need some justifications :joy:

Having kids due to parental pressure is a foolish move. It has to be your personal desire.