Move Over Tesla

Now bitcoins are hedge-fund coins, you will never know how many HF files bankruptcy until BTC hits ground !

There will be many… :rofl:

Old video, but interesting

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Their CEO is making my undergrad look good!

The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.


He can keep laughing. Public transit agencies in the Bay Area have placed a few hundred orders for BYD and Proterra BEVs.

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That car is BS. What if you want to drive it?
Park it? Move it into a garage or in another parking space.
You would have to use gps commands all the time whether practical or not…

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Oops, never mind…


The power of 12 shares…lol

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How did that even make it into the news? Either this journalist really needs content or Elon’s star power is too much to handle.

Though… it’s tempting to get 1 share and replace elon just for the heck of it.
The power of even less shares.

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Guys, out of this Tesla and whatnot come innovation. We need to, and have to, eventually, renounce to the power grab of the oil industry.

I congrat anybody dreaming Tesla’s dreams. The infinite power of electricity.


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I guess they rely on investors having a very short memory, since it’s their third time this year. I wonder if people would be as excited if they knew the full amount required to complete the projects. Musk is definitely one of the all-time greats at raising money. People just throw money at him.