Need help with utilizing rental property depreciation correctly

You won’t maximize your earnings this way —— but the most reliable way to establish a comfortable lifestyle is to get rich slowly - let time and compounding and dollar cost averaging work, and lose less than everyone else in a recession. Also, get plenty of high quality sleep. As well, don’t overspend. And finally, be cognizant of human kind’s limitations. The temple of greed has represented the path to ruin for so many before us. :wink:

@zensri - I think your choice depends on your age / what your goals are. If your goal is to maximize your gains, then leverage is required. If you forsee danger in the future - health complications, inability to work, massive earthquakes, whatever —- then a more conservative approach is in order.


No one can predict the future precisely but should predict the future for planning purposes.
Use my saying. Forget about those academics and mindless saying followers.


RE is easy to forecast. Stock is hard to predict.

For RE, first get a prediction on inflation and use that as the most conservative appreciation. Add 2% to inflation to get the optimistic forecast.