Next 10x Stock Winner

FSTPX is outperforming because tech is outperforming this year. FSTPX isn’t going to consistently outperform over a 10-year period. If you truly want hands off and forget it, then SPY is the way to go.

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SPY is not the way to go if you truly want hands off. Because there are international stocks. You would need a basket that includes SPY.

However, that would’ve been a sad way to invest over the last 10 years. Way underperformed almost everything else. You want mediocrity you get mediocrity… :rofl:

A majority of SPY revenue is from outside the US now.

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In a raging bull market such as the recent one started by Trump victory, buy n hold would beat any risk-adjusted active management. This is year is the year of the F10.

When market is in a downtrend or sideways, the risk-adjusted active managed portfolio would perform better.

For the next 5-10 years, I believe F10 would do. Longer, S&P index is better. We are in an age of global companies of which many in S&P index are. Beware of recency biased.

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STC 5 MOMO calls for an iPhone 8, if it goes higher, you should compensate me for the loss in gain :roll_eyes:
Too much bother to monitor another stock… run not because I think it won’t go higher… removed from my stock screen :slight_smile:

Now need to consider whether to buy back SYNA that I sold last week :slight_smile: for more than an iPhone X profit.
BTO 2 SYNA calls (Jan $40)… we’ll see… don’t want to buy underlying… risk control…

Stop whining! :rofl:

If you know python, you can extract all transactions in csv(xls) and calculate the YTD.

You have open source python packages with Robinhood. I have tested it working, but did not have time to work further.

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What I am getting by proving NVDA value is correct? Nothing.

This is what I was telling that I do not like to prove as it takes more time to research. It is easy to see the price at beginning and end of the period 2 years.

In your original chart, NVDA has the highest growth rate on stocks and there is value behind the growth. If wuqijun (or others) closes his eyes towards NVDA, they will not reap the benefit of NVDA growth. It is left to the forum viewers to analyze on their own.

Apple returns quite a lot of capital to shareholders, share buyback reduces the number of shares hence push up share price but reduce market cap. ==> IMO, All these are derivatives of net margin (and from cash reserve).

Thought you said you have learned something doing these type of analyses. NVDA is firing on all cylinders, whether the 10x over 2 years is justified or not, I’m not sure. Market said it is :grinning: May be market is wrong, should be 20x or 5x :rofl: For high growth stocks, market buys ahead i.e. presumed a certain future and priced it accordingly… when the future is here… we’ll know the truth. Can’t really use the traditional tools typically used by Warren Buffett :wink:

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List of 20 top AI stocks:

I’m shocked to see Alteryx on the list. I’ve seen the product. It allows you to join/query data from different database sources into a single table. I don’t consider that AI. It’s cool if your data is spread across SQL, MYSQL, and Redshift data sources. It’s not cheap either.

YEXT made the initial screen here. Maybe I should look at it again.

Well, the value behind the growth is a sham. Because the growth was due to investors’ perception of bitcoin. I didn’t close my eyes… my eyes are wide open and I can see the unsustainability of it. Should you choose to invest blindly into NVDA’s hyped growth you might suffer a drastic fall along with bitcoin’s demise coming soon to a recession near you… :wink:

Isn’t TSLA using NVDA in it’s cars? If you’re bullish TSLA, you should be bullish NVDA. They have design wins with other car companies too. They also have a data center business that’s rapidly growing.

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Owned SHOP and SPLK. Used to own NVDA and AMBA.
Sometimes have to wonder, any theme seems to include the same stocks :slight_smile:
For example, blah blah blah theme stocks are FB, GOOG, AMZN, SHOP, NVDA. Replace whatever you like for blah blah blah. Some hot ones you can use are AI, cloud, big data, self-driving cars, voice first, Convnet :slight_smile: , …

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Um… Apple is using intel in its computers but doesn’t mean I’m bullish about Intel just because I own Apple stocks…

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This only goes to show that non of these hot stocks are relevant to any of the “themes”. Especially AI. AI is such an buzzword that every single company out there is trying to leverage this buzzword in some way to their advantage. If that were the case, what exactly is the difference between investing in AI and investing in the FANGs and ants? This is like trying to invest in social media 15 years ago. You might have thought that google or myspace was going to succeed at that, but you actually had to wait until FB to go public in 2012 to finally be able to invest in the correct company.

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I understand more than this. See here, whatever we tell, wuqijun will not be convinced ! He treats NVDA like Bitcoin. I am fine with that ! Why should I break me head with detailed analysis or justification? I definitely feel waste of time. Let me productively spend such time on my own analysis rather than justification :joy:


Yes… not convinced… :laughing:

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Thanks for digging this up. I did find an easier way - sent an email to and asked them to send me an Excel file of my entire trading history. After a couple of back and forth emails, they provided the info!


I bought NVDA in 2015 and recently sold half of them at $180 and am deeply regretting it. :frowning:
For rest of them, I will keep them until retirement.
To me, I’ve never paid attention to the connection between bitcoin and NVDA.
The main reasons I bought it were deep-learning, autonomous cars and VR.
With one unified technology and architecture, they are in the right field at the right timing IMHO.


Um… you can always buy it back… :wink: