Official. Tax Cuts are a bust for Middle Income taxpayers

My favorite saying:
Some idiots don’t get it.
We are becoming a dictatorship. Did you know that nowadays, no foreign dignitary can go through any other diplomatic representative but only the president. And they have to stay at one fo his hotels. The kids? With security clearance while performing personal business representing the government? With us paying for the security?
Nothing gets done, nothing is passed if the coward republicans don’t ask their leader for a yes or no. They as a part of the government have become a cult.

When it comes to taxes, they, specially those “real estate investors” praising the hand that stabs them are feeling the pain of what their “Hitler” did to most middle class in this country. No matter how they say, they got screwed, and screwed they like, so, who cares! :joy::joy:

I ask myself that this liar through his famous tax cuts increased the child tax credit to $2K per kid. What would have happened if the $1K stayed? Talking about taking a candy from a kid’s mouth would be redundant. :scream::scream::scream::scream:

Then, you haven’t read about HELOC, and other things as deductions gone or restricted, have you? Good luck with that one too! :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Basically, they screwed you, didn’t they? Come on! I can “read” some RE investors here, and they are kind of mello, like hypnotized by the effects of this, except they can’t accept they were taken as fools.

Remember, they promised you $1K to buy a brand new car, or remodel your kitchen. And the paperwoerk would be the size of a postcard. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

And, the tax receipts from so many tax cuts would pay for the national debt. Instead, this idiot is increasing it $1+ trillion a year. MAGA! :joy::joy::joy:

Here is the feedback from someone => Overall tax seems lower

Honestly, the people it’s worst for are high income single people in high tax states. They have no political clout and won’t generate sympathy. 90% of people will take standard deduction which means it lowers their taxes.

The mistake was updating withholding tables during the year to give people larger paychecks. The average person isn’t smart enough to look at their effective tax rate or total tax bill. They only compare their refund va the prior year.


Just FYI — We normally donate thousands to charities and to kids’ schools. However, once the TCJA passed for 2018, we stopped all donations.

For 2018 –

  • We donated 0 to the Red Cross
  • We donated 0 to Goodwill
  • We donated 0 to the Wu Yee Children’s Charity (in SF)
  • We donated 0 the kids’ schools
  • We donated 0 to the Buddhist Center on Geary Ave
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@aalj is bad boy. Donate if you can afford it :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

:slight_smile: No way. No more donations from me for the rest of my life. Let other suckers donate. If you want to donate, you can be sucker #1!!! :joy:

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This year’s withholding penalty rule was relaxed to 85% of tax instead of 90%.
I just finished tax return and feel much relieved (because I anyway finished it.)

Ok. I’ve flipped to the dark side. As much as I haaaaate Trump, I’m officially done with all this sanctuary city bullshit in SF. School lottery results came back. We got one of the shittiest schools in the city. And I mean shitty.

Build. The. Wall.



James Lick

Time to divert those donations to private school…

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Hahahahahah. I was hoping to pull my kid out of private school and enroll into public school for grades 6-8. I guess I’m not gonna save that money now! Now where’s the “Trump Build The Wall Donation Fund???”


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That’s what you get for not having faith in the public school system for elementary :japanese_ogre:

You know the system well!

The feeder school for our elementary school would have been Hoover Middle School.

Hoover also sucks. Not James Lick shitty, but it sucks enough that my neighbor, whose kid just got assigned Hoover, is also bailing on the SFUSD and going the private route.

Yours truly went to elementary/middle/high school in SF…

Aren’t schools assigned by location in SF?

No. They are assigned by weighted lottery system. Social Justice run amok. If you live in a poor area or have shitty neighborhood test scores or have lots of siblings, then you get more weight.

Illegal immigrants that live in poor neighborhoods with poor avg test scores and have lots of brothers and sisters get the most weight. Oh yeah, they prob dont pay prop tax either. Build the wall.


You have chosen to stay in SF :rage:

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Liberal politicians have been destroying public education in the BA for fifty years. They have a sacrificed the futures of children on the alter of political correctness. Meanwhile all resources go to the homeless and the hopeless.


So long don’t screw up the private sector, every dumb deeds are forgiven :slight_smile: