Ok, Who Bought Nvidia BEFORE 2016?

My investment newsletter is on future macroeconomic & stock market conditions/index forecast & not on individual stocks.

Future is bright and sunny or increasingly turbulent? My stock planes are flying through.

If you guys weren’t participating in Redin forums when Facebook IPO started, you either missed the fun or the chance to make a big chunk of money.
There were posters that were ridiculed, other posters envying Facebook, and so son. I regret not thinking clearly, I had $30K ready for something. :sleepy:

I think people are under-estimating short term political risks. I am tightening my exposure.

I am waiting for the next dip so I can load up. Rather have money sitting in idle than selling at a loss to buy the next opportunity.

XLF and XLI broke out. They are a ways behind XLK in terms of chart pattern.

See, Intel understands how to do it right with its 8th generation chip… Is Intel mentioning anything on its 9th and 10th generation??? Noooooo…