RE pros see recession by 2017

This is the main reason, I want him to get into primary asap, either condo or Townhome as SFH is way beyond his level now.

He knows how much our homes are appreciated. He agreed to buy considering the “Priced out” situation. Otherwise, He is actually reluctant to tie-up with a home. He is frugal and also calculative on his income/expenses, no issues on spending. He continues to hold his free car that we bought for $5000 few years before ! I hope it may take an year or six months to create a good credit history.

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I spoke with a spec builder awhile back about how my kids probably won’t be able to afford the bay area when they grow up. Her advice was to buy property every time the RE market tanks. Sound advice for everyone not just folks with kids.

@Jil give him a add on credit card from your account, that helped my wife quite bit with pushing her score higher. Do confirm again but that helped her score to push to 750 with no history

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Curious on why after Jan 2017? Wouldn’t it be better with less competition right now, if it is not about credit thing?

He agreed to look home this month after discussing with his friends the benefits of owning home! He also wants to save around 50k before buying a home. Above all, his credit is challenging one, which is blocking him for another six months!

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