Redfin Estimates

How’s Redfin’s estimate these days? Still crappy? Just got estimates emails in a few of my houses, Bay Area ones are 17-22% higher and Austin is 2% YOY.

Do your own comparison. Easy to pull out similar houses sold over a certain period.

Austin is no good? :scream:

Intentionally twisted the meaning. From context, I think he meant deviation of redfin estimate from true value. Since I have a few houses, the deviation depends on neighborhoods, smaller variation in newer neighborhoods and huge deviation in older neighborhoods. Feel logical since is difficult to gauge quality of re-modeling for older houses.

SFBA rfguesstimates are slightly higher than reality because local home demand is more sluggish than 2018. You need to consult Z, Homes, and Realtor also. More important is actual CMAs with adjustments.