Telecommuting/ WFH and Remote Work

The union says it was done without their input. Would the union actually fight it? Also, who calls to make a flight reservation? My mom doesn’t even do that anymore. I book her flights for her.

Commercial buildings in SF are :-1: SF going Detroit?

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In theory, CBRE and Collier’s should be crashing. They are both still growing revenue though. They must have pivoted to warehouse space which is still red hot.

Dude what is your view on all these topics you post? You’re our default Google! :smile:

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I’m share what I read and if it’s somewhat interesting.

Too lazy to type my views. :rofl: And not a good writer.

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do you think they will repurpose all of that CRE, and make it housing, apts or condos? I hope so…but not sure.

At least admitted he’s old school!

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Careful what you wish for.
Hybrid :+1:
100% WFH :-1:


Economy is gonna tank, earnings going to be bad and layoff will happen
Once massive workers out there looking for job, they have no negotiation power, workers will be back in office in a year or two
broadcom just bought vmware and there will be expecting 40% labor cut. I expect more merge like this will happen and many of the tech company that doesn’t make money will go under.

ohh these people suck, I love these things

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Right? People complain about everything!

Sure there’s some mingling and awkward team building activities but just relax. Sure maybe you have some coworkers you don’t really like but you can’t find one or 2 you are cool with and just hang out?

You can go back to your dungeon next week!

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IMO, Hybrid is a net benefit for SF Bay Area companies where employees can live far away reducing their cost of housing and make Bay Area more competitive with other low cost locations in terms of cost to companies and still maintain good quality of life for employees.


If these employees can’t be trusted to provide a net positive for the company in a work-from-home environment…why do you even want them at your company?

They are obviously sub-par individuals if you have to watch over them like toddlers to get your company’s money’s worth.

This is stupid logic from Musk, who is a very smart man.