The perils of extreme democracy (warning from California)

From your The Economist

“But California cannot pass timely budgets even in good years, which is one reason why its credit rating has, in one generation, fallen from one of the best to the absolute worst among the 50 states. How can a place which has so much going for it—from its diversity and natural beauty to its unsurpassed talent clusters in Silicon Valley and Hollywood—be so poorly governed? ”

Is it ok for California state to borrow a lot of money and then bankrupt?

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Time to leave California and move to Austin. Alternatively break Bay Area from the rest of California.

The Economist is an anti American rag. Total BS. Actually CA has a huge surplus

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The Economist likes illegal drugs :rofl:

The Economist has, since 1989,[13] argued for the legalisation of drugs, calling it the “least bad solution” in a 2009 issue.[14] A February 2016 article praised the undergoing process of legalization of cannabis in several countries worldwide.[15]

The Economist is owned by the Rothschilds… full of elitist anti American checkbook liberal snobs

Unfunded pension liabilities…

I think an anti American here told me to leave, or, I forgot what he said.

I am extending him the courtesy. Oh, wait! He left already! But somehow he loves it here, why? :laughing::laughing:

When are the rest of them following him? It gets kind of a tirade to read them bitching about California but sucking the wealth from it.

I am volunteering to help them to pack.

Just send me a private message, I will be there.

And, move to one of those places where the white supremacists thrive.

You are very welcome! :smile::smile::smile::smile::smile: