These Tax Laws Are Holding Back California’s Housing Market

Anyone who is against Prop 13 should feel free to give as much money to the state government as they see fit :sunglasses:


Like people who are against homeless shitting on streets should feel free to mop up after them?

How about resetting rent to 1978 level as well and limit increase to 2% a year?

How about reducing government spending instead

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Trump wants 25B for a stupid wall and 12B handout to farmers for his stupid trade war. Also some stupid crap about a space military.

I am not a Trump supporter.

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That’s a logical fallacy invented by illogical people.

Rent should be compared with home price, not property tax. Buying a home and renting a home are two ways of housing consumption, property tax is never a housing consumption.

Property tax is an optional tax and it can be repealed theoretically, however home price and rent price can’t be repealed to zero.

Home price increase and rent increase should be correlated. Home price and rent price are both determined by market.

Property tax is to fund government operation. Government operations can be funded by sales tax and income tax instead. Property tax is unrelated to rent.

Trump is unrelated to California property tax, nor to Oregon property tax. It’s illogical to build a connection there. That’s a common confusion tactics employed by illogical activists. People in this forum is too smart for that.


I am a jack Democrat. But if Bernie and Cortez are the voice of the party we will have Trump till 2024.

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It is ok if you hate Trump and it is ok if you like Trump. There is no logic law saying that either of them is impossible.

But it is illogical to compare rent increase and property tax increase. Home price increase and rent increase should be connected logically.

Hallmark of activism is to defy logic and using logical fallacy to advance hazardous theory

Why should rent be tied to property value? If someone bought rental 20 years ago his cost was the property value 20 years ago. Why does today’s property value a concern to him in setting the rent?

If you want to get rid of property tax we can tax income more. I am fine with that. Be careful what you wish for.

Also why should someone pass his tax basis to kids and grandkids? What’s the logic there?

That’s a good question. Democrats made that law

They are propositions from your fellow Californians. Like prop 13.

Property tax to be replaced with sales tax and gas tax. Income tax is good for now.

If you can limit stock price and dividend to 2% increase, I would be fine with that.

I would also be interested in buying your aapl at 1988 price, I can give you 10 more years after 1978

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The Democrats had a powerful coalition of minorities and blue collar labor under Roosevelt. When the limousine liberals took over the the party and made it a coastal elitist party with environmentalism as religion they lost their coalition. They have lost labor already and they are only holding on to minorities by calling everyone else racist. They represent nothing but anti Trumpism. Didn’t work in 2016 and may fail again.

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My fellow Californians are mostly Democrats. They love to create unequal treatment to everyone and make things muddy and complex. Inequality is the secret source to strengthen the Democratic Party. If the law become fair and square and simple, the California Democratic Party will crash to the ground

In the 60s the radical left took over the Democrats.
Nixon weakened the Republicans and we ended up with Jimmy Carter, a nobody that no one liked and was totally ineffective as President. Gave rise to Reagan.
Bill Clinton brought the Democrats back to the center.

Bernie’s leftist bull shit drove Hillary left into the ditch. Now the Dems are trying to go further left with their anti Trump tirades. It will fail again. This is a right of center country.