Today's Market 3/7-13

Notice your doctor is on ZM and not TDOC.

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That is why I hesitate to buy TDOC. I didn’t take the opportunity to buy TDOC since I last sold it. But Cathie thinks highly of TDOC. Why?

Guess I have to drop TDOC as the obvious choice :man_shrugging: You won this one :wink:

Don’t know much about TDOC. Maybe it has more bells and whistles compared to plain vanilla ZM? Saw some speculations that TDOC could integrate with say your Apple Watch (or other wearables) to measure your heart rate and blood pressure for example. ZM is just video conferencing.

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I don’t know if it’s true but my doctor friends/relatives told me at some point 70~80% of the diagnosis can be done by a nurse or just internet. I think that’s largely true. Even for me, when I think I have issues, I do a lot of research before I go and doctors tell me same or even less information. They order (blood, x-ray, etc) and etc. These days, I do the diagnosis, email the doctor, and they will just order blood or other tests if needed. Sometimes, I just ask them directly I would like to have test A, B, etc. I generally don’t even want to go unless I need to have a surgery or have some serious complications. I think for healthcare system in the US to move forward, TDOC or something like that will needs to happen to reduce the cost and make it more efficient.


Agree. But I wonder if the average doctor in America is tech savvy enough to navigate TDOC and whether insurance companies will pay up. Covid no doubt accelerated the trend forward. Zoom’s user friendliness could be a deciding factor.


ZM vs TDOC debate sounds like MSmail/ Outlook vs LotusNotes in late 1990s. Who actually won? Both lost right?

RHers are BTFD…

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Many employers are now covering evisits. We specifically have coverage for teledoc visits. I think it’ll become a standard part of plans. We even get a certain number a year where they waive the office visit co-pay for it.



It’s same as office visit co-pay except we get a number of “free” ones first. I haven’t used it yet.

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What do you think of the experience with teledoc?

Today is normal. TQQQ appreciates more than TSLA :slight_smile:


They’ll need to adapt or perish. Case in point, after using Kaiser’s and PAMF’s online system where you can simply email simple questions to your doctor, request refills etc on-demand, I refuse to work with any doctor that can’t handle emails. I have not gone with highly recommended PCP / pediatricians because they were living in the 90s world and wanted me to always come in-person. There was one pediatrician who even wanted to charge for phone calls. I am sorry, I am not going back to those archaic systems.

I won’t expect the same from highly skilled medical providers like a surgeon. But let’s accept it - your regular PCP or pediatrician is on the lower end of medical professional skillset and needs to get on with the digital transformation.


This would go the way of tax filing. Majority of simple returns went from in-person CPAs to TurboTax. Complex returns still need in-person CPA.

Majority of routine preventative and diagnostic visits will go to one Online Entity (is TeleDoc that entity?, Amazon is also piloting in this space) while specialists will still thrive in the physical visit world. And just like barbers can’t migrate to online, dentists won’t; even though your typical barber is less skilled than your typical CPA and your typical Dentist is less skilled than your typical PCP.


I even got anti biotics via email from my Primary doctor last year. It worked great.


My meetings with CPA are on Zoom now. Worked great!

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I should have said: need dedicated human help. Whether in person or over zoom is a separate factor now and increasingly leans towards virtual meetings