When wives earn more than their husbands, they both do something pretty terrible

I know, right?

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Don’t be like this guy:


I changed my job every 3 years in average.
Changing job may be hard at the first try due to mind barrier but once she gets used to it then she may find herself changing jobs too often. I guess it becomes habit in a sense.

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did you hop because you didn’t liek it or for better pay? what companies did you work for ? startups or bigco?

How do you know?
I never share my income with my friends.
Do your friends share such details?
If both wife and husband are working in the similar field, they may take turns in terms of who makes more.

Hanera knows!

No need to be so explicit, we already know who you are :grinning:

For more interesting job opportunities/projects.
Worked for start-up/medium-size/big-company.

My friends usually spilled their salary information without me asking…(and no I am not doing their taxes…) :roll_eyes:

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It is culture shock to me.

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Maybe it’s because my circle is the poorer crowd, so they don’t care. If you are rich I guess you don’t want those around you to know you have money.


Inferiority complex?

Well, you are definitely richer than me when I was at your age. :slight_smile: (Don’t know much about your friends of course).
Somehow, none of my friends have shared their income with me.

Well if you are making minimum wage then it doesn’t matter if everyone knows about your income, unless if you are ashamed of course. But then if you are ashamed then you wouldn’t stay at minimum wage to begin with :joy:

I had a friend who even showed me his 401k account online. I was like what are you doing?? So awkward :expressionless:


Too bad people here aren’t like this… :rofl:

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We got you though :joy_cat:

Btw that friend is a SAHD. Yoda, time to show us your retirement account.

What can I say, I’m a very generous person. Not a lot of people can match my magnanimity… :rofl:

Different fields.

Either the husband or the wife has said so.

In the husband’s case, he was a stay-at-home dad in a VERY conservative Christian Church, so I asked. His wife was a lawyer and made more than he did, and that was his decision to stay home with the kids.

In the other case, the couple was checking out at an auction, and the wife made it clear she was paying that night and said something that indicated to me that she considered herself the breadwinner.

Third case, I’m guessing that the wife makes more. Situation is complicated to explain, and I could be wrong. I guess that’s not a “definitely”

Most of the rest, different fields, wife’s field is generally not as high earning as husbands or wife is part time or wife is staying home.

You didn’t accept his proposal? Too low or he is not your type?

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Ohhhhh. Is THAT what that was? :slight_smile: