No need to google and then cut-n-paste definition of feminism. I have a simple definition for ya. Feminism is nothing but “human rights for women”. To be against feminism is the same as against human rights for women.
Human rights itself have many definitions. So you didn’t simplify. Who is the authority on this? Why should other nations and races adhere to this definition?
Lastly, you are presumptuous. I don’t google. I web search.
My observation of what feminism has been is men+ Whatever men can do and have, women want to have them + more. Feminism as a concept is fair but women are exploiting it.
Anyhoo, my view is feminism leads to population decline. Whether population decline is good or not, is not the issue commenting on.
Much of the “pay gap” is due to career choices. I saw it in SV. Life sciences are full of women curing people’s cancers and getting them up out of wheelchairs; Google and Facebook are full of more highly compensated men monopolizing and monetizing your personal data to sell you junk you mostly don’t need. What a tragedy for equality.
God makes adults stronger as well. Doesn’t mean it’s right for adults to punch down a kid. I don’t see how you should drag God into policy making questions.
What makes you think they have to and don’t want to?
BTW - there have been pay disparities since the dawn of time. The court jester - if he or she was any good at it - lived better than the grunts who died in the king’s wars or the artisans who made the stuff of civilization. If you can act or throw a ball real well you make multiples of what an EMT or firefighter or a person who grows our food does. Why would you focus on one form of disparity and not all of them?
Granted, we do need to adjust our attitudes - on both sides.
A married woman goes on a business trip.
“OK honey, I’ve pre-made all the dinners and they’re in the freezer labeled with exactly how many minutes they need in the micowave and at what power level. I’ve left detailed instructions about the kids. I’ll call every night.”
Totally normal.
A man goes on a business trip and leaves his female report in charge.
“OK I’ve pre-completed as many tasks as I could. I’ve left detailed instructions. I’ll call everyday to make sure you’re doing it all right.”
Not entirely normal; could even get you hauled in front of HR.
Yawn. You should look at a proper study on pay gap. Women actually out earn men until they take time away for having kids.
“From ages 22 to 32, female pay actually grows slightly faster than male pay. However, a shift occurs at age 33, when women’s earnings growth starts to slow and men’s remains steady. By age 40, women see their salaries peak at about $67,000.”
People make choices based in their family needs and goals. That’s the beauty of freedom.
Do you really think companies who are seeking ways to maximize profit would hire men if they could pay a woman 25% less? They’d only hire women and laugh all the way to the bank.
That’s misleading. Do people assume the starting pay is the same for men and women? Growing faster from a lower base means nothing. Here’s the raw dollar amount from that article you quoted:
Here’s the median income American men are earning at every age:
16 to 19 years: $501 weekly ($26,052 annually)
20 to 24 years: $624 weekly ($32,448 annually)
25 to 34 years: $877 weekly ($45,604 annually)
35 to 44 years: $1,112 weekly ($57,824 annually)
45 to 54 years: $1,138 weekly ($59,176 annually)
55 to 64 years: $1,191 weekly ($61,932 annually)
65 years and older: $1,037 weekly ($53,924 annually)
And here’s how much women earn at every age:
16 to 19 years: $437 weekly ($22,724 annually)
20 to 24 years: $558 weekly ($29,016 annually)
25 to 34 years: $763 weekly ($39,676 annually)
35 to 44 years: $877 weekly ($45,604 annually)
45 to 54 years: $876 weekly ($45,552 annually)
55 to 64 years: $895 weekly ($46,540 annually)
65 years and older: $757 weekly ($39,364 annually)
At every age group men’s pay is higher than women’s, and that’s before childbearing factors in.
More men are in Police, firefighters, Pentagon and than add Construction, Auto repair industry. that alone make it much higher than median. minimum per hour in bayarea independent shop is over $100. dealershop rates over $200.
When’s the last time you hired a female skilled trades person? Those are the highest paying jobs that don’t require a degree. STEM undergrads pay the most and what percent of those degrees are women?
Studies that control for degree choice and years of experience find pay is almost identical.
“ The controlled gender pay gap, which controls for job title, years of experience, education, industry, location and other compensable factors, measures equal pay for equal work . The controlled pay gap has also decreased since 2015, but only by $0.01. Women in the controlled group make $0.98 for every $1.00 a man makes, meaning that women are still making less than men even when doing the exact same job.”