Zillow is mafia

They don’t have the capital to hold them long-term.

For sure, it’s a completely different business and capital intensive.

It looks like they bought houses site unseen. They were out smarted by sellers that sold them junk. The devil is in the details. They bought fixers that need more work than they figured. Makes them look like amateurs who believed their Zillow algorithm prices were correct. It is hard to loose money in Phoenix. Prices are rising quickly. Probably another 20% in a year.



That escalated quickly, It went from a “pause” because they can’t find enough contractors to a full on collapse of the business.

Well, at least they are cutting their losses and running away, fast.

I will be a bigger buyer of stock in $40-50s :slight_smile: (though I own some now in 80s but small position)

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When Cathie buys, you sell :slight_smile: Her timing is atrocious. Beth and Knox are better at timing.

What so good about ZG?

I think they have a decent core business. For a while, the iBuying story took over and the stock shot up riding that wave.

At my heart, I’m dumpster diver and I always take a look when something tanks 30-50%. I’m not trader and I’m not able to be like you and find for 10x/100x stocks.

That’s why you’re you and I’m me. You’re living like a king in Texas and I’m slumming it in Hayward. :slight_smile:

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Just for info, Cathie is dumping Z today. Think she found something.

The article you linked is reporting wrong info.


Reverse flipping.

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Time to try some low ball offer at them?

Yup. You got it. Kick 'em while they are down.


I got 1 but rejected it. Zilliow wants to use their own purchase agreement (in place of my realtor’s version) which include a phrase that forgo all your consumer rights.

What was the price? Compared to the market

I bid at market price all cash. I gauge market price by looking at the recent 3 months sale in the neighborhood… Redfin data.

At one point I researched the LLC’s zillow used to hold titles .

Does anyone remember ? Or know ?

How do we contact zillow agents ?

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No homes for mom and pop but more homes for wall st