9 million Hispanic, 1.3 million Asian people are living illegally in the US. Millions fear deportation

“Mexico sends its people, they are criminals, they are rapist, they bring drugs”

“Vietnam sends its people, they are former VCs, they used to kill our soldiers, they are bombing our country”…:roll_eyes:

Does that mean we need to keep an eye on all Vietnamese in this area. You never know, they may lose all their money in the stock market, be upset about a boy/girlfriend, no more welfare, losing a home, you name the incident to blame it on the government.

Right? :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

That’s how things roll down the street in this country, just one incident, and a nationality is blamed for the actions of one or a few individuals.

If nobody has learned that lesson, he or she is an ignorant on the matter.

This means, the Vietnamese refugee programs is going to be ended. This administration doesn’t want anybody if they are not from certain European nation. That means only whites.

And, that my fiend, is something some posters here don’t understand. They are not, and won’t be welcome into this administration’s idea of an “American”. Ask Bannon, ask the Nazis supported by Trumpovich.

I am just a messenger.

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Lol. That was certainly entertaining.

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Asians are the next target.

Little by little, the situation is being “set up”. Let the white supremacist start to smell the fact that there are some terrorists and criminals among them and voila!

Good thing is that Hispanics are in the majority to support any immigrant on immigration, except they are alone in the fight, I never, ever saw a single Asian in the marches I participated, not a problem, they will feel the brunt of discrimination any time soon.

The sad part? Seeing them cheering their president, so pathetic. Racists themselves? I bet.


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Do you understand the difference between NON immigrant visa and immigrant+/Dual intent visa?


is it more difficult a concept to grasp than the difference between simple interest and compound interest?

Banned for not going to class
Sun’s non-immigrant student status was revoked when federal authorities learned he wasn’t going to class. As an international student, he was required to do so in order to maintain his visa.


Do you understand the difference between a non immigrant visa, and a Einstein visa?

If you don’t, ask Melania the nude third lady in the white house why she got a visa not even the most brilliant high techie in the silicon valley can get. Unless, pictures in nude, and in lesbian pose is qualified as an extraordinary skill. Well, just don’t we go there, we may be speaking of the oldest profession in the world.

Now, please don’t join the couple of clowns around not knowing about the topic:

Difference between simple and compound interest

The main difference between simple and compound interest is that simple interest is calculated only on the amount of the deposit (change it to loan). Simple interest is never calculated on previously earned interest. Because of this, compounded interest yields higher amounts.

His bosses are speaking!


@buyinghouse if you actually understood that compound interest definition you copy and pasted, then you’d understand the UIL loans are compound interest.

Yeah… lawyers from Guatemala got in faking life threat and got asylum… and she got in using EB1A/B. It’s a problem in both cases. In my view both cases should be throughly examined & rejected.

You’ve been recognized by the forum as a “talk a lot & happy go lucky” fellow. Link below.

You should do this more i.e. google stuff. However, it’s not enough. You also need to understand what google has spewed out for you.

Of course, Koch Brothers represent the same republicans who profit from low paid illegal immigrants.