Deport those American retirees

As a poster says…oh! The irony!

Yes deport them back to USA.
Hardly anyone stay in SNF in USA because of these illegal immigrants.

A government official, aka democrat says…oh well, they are fine to me. Why deport them if they contribute to the economy and aren’t criminals.

Wait! I thought crossing the border by any means and not complying with the laws turned you into a criminal?

I rest my case.

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One is a Russia propaganda video. TRT is sponsored by the Russia government. We go to Mexico a lot. When we don’t want vendors bothering us my wife speaks Russian… Confuses them. …They whine every one speaks English…They have never heard Russian spoken
Why don’t these immigrants get a Mexican green card… not hard to do. Plus it gives you many more rights. especially if you want to own a business or buy property… It is not that hard to get legal status in Mexico… Requires maybe hiring a lawyer some paperwork and fees…Getting a temporary visa up to four years is even easier…
Or just fly back and forth every 6 months on a tourist visa


By all means deport them. Florida needs more retirees.

I think Florida is going to be in big trouble. So many thousands of Puerto Ricans are coming to that state.

I wonder why?