For all the 1%s here

Good for you not to take full retirement.

Recently, I discussed this with my personal doctor. Doctor suggested keeping sufficient work balanced life make us think (Thinking process), health and enjoyment !

If someone took retirement and then came back to professional work means there is no retirement for them.You enjoy work or semi-retirement life. They have seen proper work life balance in semi-retirement stage.

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My problem is the most efficient use of my time is as a purchaser of value add properties. That is my highest rate of return per hour of effort. Everything else I do is merely worth wages. Property management, property renovation, repairs, preparation for saleā€¦ All not big money generationā€¦ But every property I buy makes a huge gainā€¦ I should just link up with someone to do the after purchase workā€¦Plus I love buying propertiesā€¦ The thrill of the hunt. The fun of negotiations and the discovery of all the potentialā€¦Gets me going in the morningā€¦


You know where to find me for any help with tax deferral and making your money worth its while. :wink::wink::wink:

I mean, I am here to defraud you per the horseā€™s ignorant mouth. :rofl::joy::smiley::smile::sweat_smile::laughing:

Millionaires Flee Their Homelands as Tensions Rise and Taxes Bite

Why talk about these 10 billionaires? What about Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, Zhang Yong, Jet Li, Shu Ping, Jan Koum, Brian Acton, ā€¦

Because it shows that the American dream is fully aliveā€“you can go from rags to riches.

Jan Koum went from food stamps to billionaire and yet not mentioned.

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Maybe they can feature him in the next issue of rags to riches. People donā€™t have the attention span for more than 10 people.