Maybe.....Asians Don't Want It

Exactly. Cultural misfit. By Asians, caucasians take it to mean Chinese or yellow-skin like Koreans. Indians are referred to as South Asians. Indians, the upper caste ones :slight_smile: fit quite well with caucasians.

This study lays out some more disheartening findings:


  • The dominant East Asian employee was more disliked than the non-dominant East Asian employee, the non-dominant White employee, and the dominant White employee.
  • Participants held descriptive stereotypes of East Asians as being competent, cold, and non-dominant.
  • The most valued expectation of East Asians was that they “stay in their place.”



That’s what SV companies want! Reduced turnover. Lower cost of labor. Looking positively, stable career. My view is if you’re an average guy, stable career is more important so I think is a competitive advantage that we’re viewed that way. For those mavericks like wuqijun, a Cantonese scholar, and manch, an ambitious man, should strike it out on their own… that’s what they did. Congrats, keep it up, wuqjjun and manch. For me, I refuse to work for them, rather be a SAHH.

For those who isn’t a manager before, you need to be the type of person who love to be with people, sensitive to people’s feelings, respect their individuality and idiosyncrasies, and understand how to make them tick. At the end of the day, you get done through people, many people including your boss and higher management (yes, you can make them work for you).


Note it says stereotypes, not reality. Unconscious bias colors interactions so that there is a perceived cultural misfit.

It’s not just recent immigrants who are experiencing the bamboo ceiling. Asians who are westernized and are about as American as apple pie are struggling with this.

Indians typically aren’t stereotyped the way East Asians are.

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Not everyone has the ability to be independent and not work in the corporate world. For those that need to stay in the corporate world to support their families, I would like to hope that there is a level playing field where if the person is capable and talented enough to be in management or even executive leadership that it isn’t stereotypes and biases that is preventing them from reaching their full potential.

I do agree with your basic assessment of how to be a good manager.

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OMG, he…he…used his real name!!!

Which honestly why I was so down on Millbrae from before and I am an ABC!!! If I wanted Chinatown, I got that right here in the Fab 7x7!!! But, sadly, we all succumb to the nice weather, nicely cut lawns and detached homes that is Millbrae…

I will take your house off your hands, if you “hate” it so much, “Alex”…

We welcome all exchanges and comments. Just be prepared to defend your position…:grinning:

Interesting. What specifically do you mean by non-integrated?

One additional thought: “stay in their place” is not flattering. I don’t think most people enjoy being thought of as meek, submissive, and easy to push around.

God Hanera, please don’t stereotype with your half (*) Indian knowledge. Let me dispel the myth. :slight_smile:

Singapore has a huge Tamil population, you should have known better. Majority of tamilians are dark except the brahmins. Its not a representative of entire country

In general, South Indians are dark compared to avg north Indians. People up north are very fair and plenty poor. Avg north Indians isnt as educated as a South Indian.

It’s more of a geographical thing. People from South India tend to immigrate more than north Indians so you might get that impression.


If you substitute the words “Asian Americans” with “women”, exactly the same facts hold. Both groups have to fight against pretty much the same unconscious biases.


Right. Most of my Indian engineer friends are from South India. Bangalore is in the south. My impression is that South Indians tend to more educated. Obviously that’s just from my own small sample.

@RealEstatebull are Southern people more likely to be vegetarians?

I thought so but I wanted to search to be accurate and it turns out, I am wrong. South Indian vegetarian breakfast is popular cuisine all over india but they do eat meat for other meals in the day.

Here is the map of % non-veg, West states are known to be vegetarian but I am surprised at the %. Look at the per capita meat consumption vs other countries.

I think it was true that many many generations ago the North Indians overran the South and instilled a caste system that favored themselves (the light colored people). But I think after many generations of mixing it would be pretty hard to judge anyone just by his skin tone. A very dark colored person from the South can still be top caste.

Wow! Didn’t know that. Thanks for the fact check. Did not know Southerners are such big meat eaters… maybe all my friends are from certain vegetarian castes?

Now some of my Indian friends are “chicken vegetarians”. The only meat they eat is chicken. What’s the deal with that?

Caste and color are mutually exclusive, no facts to support that they are linked. South indian civilizations and north indian civilizations are different dating back to 2000 years ago. If not for the british, they wouldnt have come under one roof. Casteism is still more popular is south vs north. It still exists all over.


I used to be one of them and I coined the word chickenarian. I expanded to fish, crab, goat. No Beef and Pork for me. Cow is sacred and not at all consumed until very recently, Pigs are banned in islam.

My mom doesnt even touch an egg, let alone cook it. I’m from a higher caste, vegetarian family :slight_smile: and I’m proudly dark as well:) haha.

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They seem to be exclusive today because of interracial mixing. Historically they were not. It was the Aryans (light skinned people from the North) that overran India and instilled the caste system and Hinduism. The South gradually adapted the system and religion but the origin of that has always been from the North.

Lot of India experts here :slight_smile: , except @RealEstatebull & @Jil who else here is actually from India?


Good reading material for myself, will come back on this. :slight_smile: