Maybe.....Asians Don't Want It

:scream: I’m one of a kind!!! :rofl:

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Aren’t Indians Asians?
If not, which ethnic group do they belong to?

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I would like to answer this question, even though I’m not Indian. But I believe I have studied this subject enough to be able to provide a clear answer. Indians are basically a mixture of two groups of people, the Dravidians and the Aryans. Dravidians are native to India with dark skin. Aryans are invaders from Iran with light skin. Aryans brought Hinduism to India and sat on top of the caste system. Today you can still see this north/south divide as you see dark looking people in southern India speaking a Dravidian language and light looking people in northern India speaking a Sanskrit-derived language.


When i say asian i mean chinese mostly, due to the population density, that is probably true in bay area context. If someone is of different parts of asia, like japan or korea or chinese, and i know this fact, i try to make that distinguishment. I can recognize chinese, and japanese, but i dont think i can do the same with korean as i have not really interacted with a korean.

In the above context, chinese, japanese or korean (or other asian nations) fit the statement i made either way.

It is nonsensical that i mean mostly chinese when i say asians, but it really is because of numbers.

Most ofte nationality doesnt matter, in that case i call them engs or pms :slight_smile:

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You can not assume Asians = Chinese, either for bay area or for USA ! See the statistics

Not according to the Fremont road rage lady.



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Works for my own circles.

All look same!

Lol, no they don’t.

The above is called “Aryan invasion theory”. The “invasion” part is no longer accepted in mainstream research. They have settled on a “migration” idea. The Indus valley civilization is known to predate “Aryan” migration and current mainstream European researchers generally say that Aryan tribes slowly migrated into an advanced civilization.

The Indian Hindu conservatives strongly oppose any idea of “Aryan” migration. They believe that it was a theory created by Europeans to explain a advanced civilization of brown people created by migrating white people. They argue that India was the “mother” country and Sanskrit the “mother” language for Indo-European languages and that Hinduism and Vedas were created in India.

There are enough arguments on either side that one can spend a year studying all the material.


And the Europeans also did not “invade” North America. They only “migrated” to a land that once belonged to the Native Americans.

Also, if the existing civilization that pre-dated Aryans were indeed so “advanced”, the Aryans would not have been able to dominate over it and created a caste system that put themselves on top.

Also, if the existing civilization that pre-dated Aryans were indeed so “advanced”, the Aryans would not have been able to dominate over it and created a caste system that put themselves on top.

Indian caste system is much more complicated than that. A South Indian upper caste person is usually darker than a North Indian lower caste person. It is simply not true that Aryans somehow are the current day “upper castes”.

Holy moly. This kind of reminded me of the Church during the Middle Ages that insisted the Earth is flat not round. Thank goodness for Copernicus.

They were right about Hinduism and Veda being created in India though. It was created in India after the Aryans invaded it. The Aryans created such religious construct along with the caste system as a way of segregating themselves from as well as subjugating the natives.

It seems more complicated these days because of generations of mixing between the Aryans and the natives. Remember this happened several thousand years ago. If a white person migrated to Africa and his descendants kept marrying the natives, they will turn black after several generations.

More Indians in tech companies management because they are more aggressive and speak better English. Simple as that. Nothing to do with IQ of the Chinese or Indian race, if there is such a thing.

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More Indians in tech companies management because they are more aggressive and speak better English. Simple as that. Nothing to do with IQ of the Chinese or Indian race, if there is such a thing.

Around 70% of H1B goes to Indians and only around 15% to Chinese. China has so much opportunities that I think Chinese don’t bother much about the “American dream” anymore.


Yes, it was simply that. Has nothing to do with Indians being more aggressive or better at speaking English.

Most of those Indian H1B’s go to outsource companies like Infosys. If you look around SV I think Chinese and Indian engineers are around the same number?

One exception is in export-restrictive areas like semiconductor process. China is on the ban list and can’t be hired in those jobs until after they became American citizens.

Also I think the technical terms for different types of Asians are East Asians vs South Asians. There are more than one country in the Indian Subcontinent…

We don’t have many people from Central Asia. Not much need for Central Asians. :smile:

How about West Asians? Are Israelis West Asians?