
My dad was a professor at Cal for 46 years…Kept going to work without pay when he retired in 1991. .They let him keep his office…Work was his identity. .his life…They finally gave him a new job…helping getting rid of deadwood…Tenured professors who no longer were contributing…He loved that job


I worked in management the first 25 years and as a poker dealer the next 21. Management is rewarding when upper management leaves you alone and lets you do your job, not so great when it doesn’t. That’s why I made the change. You just have to ignore customers that like to whine about losing money. That’s easy, but after listening to it for 21 years I was ready to retire.

Sounds like a job my dad had. His job was to find jobs for union members with work restrictions. I helped him make a database to standardize employee restriction codes and job requirement codes. Then the database would automatically match people to jobs they could do. It used to be on paper, and you’d have to start with the job requirements. Then you’d read employee profiles and try to find one that matched the job. Needless to say they rarely found matches when it was manual. He was so good at finding work for the union members with work restrictions that the union told him that he couldn’t have that job anymore. He was reassigned.

that’s just dumb…*smh

I’m not shocked. I learned most tenants here put in a work request to have light bulbs changed. The office will give you the light bulb, but most people want them to change it too. The same goes for the refrigerator water filter. I guess that’s an advantage of renting for some people. They literally don’t do any “maintenance”.

After being a landlord for 40 years nothing shocks me…But once in a while a I impressed by a tenant that actually cares and helps improve my property. …

Not complete, but a start.

That’s also why I keep the rent definitely under market. Not only for less turnover (less downtime and repairs = more moola to pocket in the end) but if the renter(s) know they have a decent deal do not call me for a light bulb change (that they can access and actually do themselves easily of course). YMMV, of course…

Is that really going to make a difference? We should bring back lawaway. It made a brief comeback during the great recession when some people couldn’t get credit. I was around 5 when I started to get a weekly chore list and allowance. My parents refused to give me an advance on my allowance, so I had to use lawaway to buy toys. That way I could go back each week and pay towards getting the toy. It was a really important financial lesson.

It ties in with the lesson that kids that are willing to wait to get more candy vs. getting less candy immediately end up being more financially successful. That’s a really simple lesson that should be a staple for all kids to learn.

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So, @harriet, are you going to want Mr. Lucky to put a ring or an Iphone X on it???

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The X lasts two years. Diamonds are forever.

Actually my iPhone 6 is at the end of its 3rd year and still going strong with no scratches. Maybe I should wait another year for the ultimate super phone.


My thought exactly (I have the 6+) or trade it in if Verizon comes out with a sweetheart of a deal for such a longtime customer like me. The glass sides do scare me though…

Awesome. I swear the newest software update is messing with my Iphone 5s’ battery life. It was fine until a month ago.

See, that evil Tim Cook is sending software updates that prematurely sabotages our phones. The timing of these updates is uncanny, isn’t it???


I almost believe you. I really do.

Though my phone is 3 years old, so maybe it is the battery.

But… It is uncanny.

Not according to this

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Obviously my remark was more tongue in cheek but I do feel some hints of planned obsolescence is there with Apple and the other cellphone makers. One can’t just buy more memory space to allow for new updates that tend to be quite large, right?

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Apple is screwing us all and laughing all the way to the bank…I say boycott the X…

Easier said than done, as you can see by the reports. The Kool-Aid is just too addictive. For me, the reports about the double sided glass screen and casing is a legitimate issue though. I am pretty good about not dropping my phone ever and I have a sturdy rubber case that takes shocks well but glass and the cost of fixing it might stop folks like me (cheap).