Speaking of transparency. Flynn resigns, Benghazi for years but not for this traitor?

This is serious. Watch, listen, be smart, follow the dots, corruption as never seen and your president is the one shielding corrupt Russians.

And the zaga continues! More traitors to add…

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Let’s be real. Hillary is just pissed that after approving this deal for the Russians, they didn’t support her for president. If Russia is such a threat, then why did multiple government agencies under Obama approve the purchase? If Trump’s team taking a phone call from Russia is a huge deal, why isn’t a big deal that Clinton Foundation took money from Russia?

It’s a big deal because Sessions committed perjury and lied to Senate under oath.

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Eric Holder caused race riots, cop killings, and crime waves with his antics. Now we’re supposed to believe the Sessions should resign over a conversation with a foreign dignitary.

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So did Hillary unless you believe she has the memory of a goldfish.

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GOP launched multiple investigations on Hillary. Found nothing. Let’s do the same to Sessions and Trump. If they are clean as claimed they have nothing to fear.

Perjury is felony. “Illegal is illegal”, remember?


“I have no doubt that perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime," (Sessions) said in 1998. "It goes to the heart of the judicial system.”

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By the way, Hillary, having done whatever, never went to jail. The same, and sane republicans said it, nothing to be seen there said one republican to the other idiots prosecuting her.

Benghazi, very conveniently disappeared from the radar as soon as the elections were over. Pretty awkward I would say.

If you think Hillary did nothing, then you should probably read the FBI report. Then Bill Clinton secretly met with the attorney general, and she decided to not file charges. If the Clinton Foundation was a legit charity, why’d they lose all their donors after Hillary lost? Once the Clinton’s weren’t going to have power and influence, everyone lost interest in donating to their charity.

Time will tell is Sessions ends up resigning. Flynn did resign. Hillary never resigned and ran for a higher office. That makes comparing Flynn and Hillary not actually comparable.

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It’s not about hillary anymore. She lost. Let’s move on.

We now have multiple high level Trump officials and surrogates meeting with Russian government and lied about it. Sessions is worst, having lied under oath to congress. I think every American should be at least a little bit concerned. I say let’s look into it thoroughly and get to the bottom of this. This could be bigger than Watergate. Or it may not be. That’s why we need to investigate.


Why do you care so much about If they met with Russian officials?


The question here was did one party let themselves be aided / abetted by a foreign state actor to influence the election. Nothing is free, so what’s the payoff? And don’t you see the path we are heading down towards degradation and perversion of our governmental institutions post election?


That’s funny considering our own media, and our government’s involvement influencing elections in other countries. I guess it depends if you think US = good, so our tampering is morally justified. Then Russia = bad, so their tampering is evil.

it’s not right when the we interfere with other countries either. De-stabilizing Iran for example (Look up how the Shah of Iran was overthrown by the CIA). Non-intervention is easier preached then practiced, but i find it hard to digest that people are justifying intervention in our elections based on our intervention in other countries by the very party that is benefiting from the intervention in our elections. Can i say the term Puppet? :slight_smile:


How many people that are outraged by the alleged Russia influence would equally condemn US influence in foreign elections? My guess is it would be a very small percentage. It is extremely hypocritical to criticize one while turning a blind eye to the other. It happens all the time on the assumption of moral high ground. It must be amazing to go through life with an unwavering conviction that your side always has the moral high ground. It justifies all sorts of horrible acts, because they were done for the moral good.

We are not taking about moral questions here. We are talking about legal issues. Did Sessions commit perjury? Did trump violate the emolument clause? Did Russia sponsor hacking and meddle in US elections?

All I ask for is have an independent investigation.


Sorry I find the accusation of hypocrisy fairly ludicrous when the current President routinely makes stuff up, lies, misleads, forgets, and get a pass from his party, when members of the very same party were willing to shout “Liar” and make other disingenuous statements (remember “death panel”) for the previous president who has come no where close to anything the current president has done. To gain my respect, the republican party needs to show equal handedness in the way they handle issues rather then putting party before country.


Yes, both sides do it. It’s why we have a complete mess of a political system. Each party has a group of loyalists who are completely blind to any faults of their party. Anyone who’s in the middle thinks both sides are completely insane. It seems on here it’s very anti-Trump, and anyone that’s a democrat gets a free pass. How much criticism was there of Obama? I think we’ve had more criticism of Trump in <2 months than there was of Obama. It’s funny since some of the criticisms of Trump are a continuation of Obama policies, but no one complained about them then.

Look at Hillary. She could do no wrong in the eyes of most here. She was the most qualified candidate ever even if objective analysis showed she was middle of the road. They didn’t even think she should be investigated. Now that it’s the other party in power, they want investigations over everything. Sorry, but giving either party a free pass is only making the situation worse.

So you are saying we should give both parties a free pass? I don’t understand what you are up against.

I actually don’t object to Benghazi investigation. What I object to is the multiple investigations, one after another after another, after each one failed to turn up anything. Had they limited it to one I don’t see a problem. That’s the checks and balances baked into the Constitution.

What you are saying is we should NOT even investigate Sessions and Trump? Foreign meddling of our democracy is 10 times more serious to me than Benghazi. The founders worried about it bad enough to have a special clause in the Constitution.