Why Are We Protecting Illegal Immigrants In This Country?

I can’t believe what’s going on with America.

I read so many republicans were committing suicide today after knowing their right wing justice appointee showed them the finger.

And who do you think was hiring illegal workers from Poland?

marcus335@ mentioned: “personally, I’d love to see us revisit citizenship. It shouldn’t just be if you’re born in the US. You should have to be born in the US to a parent that has the legal right to be here.”

Tourist visa is a legal right to be in the US.


Good point & good question.

You’d need to amend the constitution. Good luck with that.

We can probably handwave and say a visa is not a right.

I am not sure if greencard is, either.

Restricted jus soli
There is a trend in some countries toward restricting jus soli by requiring that at least one of the child’s parents be a citizen, national or legal permanent resident of the state in question at time of the child’s birth.
Notable examples: Australia, UK, France, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa

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Is there any other country that:

  1. Lets people illegally move there
  2. Tolerates people who are illegally there making demands about their rights
  3. Ends up more concerned about the rights of illegals than its own citizens
  4. Refuses to deport law breakers

Even Canada has merit based immigration. No one is calling Canada racist.

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Two words: 14th Amendment. I don’t see much appetite to take on the 14th. Not at all.

Why not? It seems very doable given everyone who is voting for that has the citizenship, i don’t see why not?

Read up the procedures to amend constitution and report back the probability of it passing.

did not sound impossible. wanna provide tl;dr?

Of course it’s not impossible. It’s extremely unlikely given the political reality on the ground.

Most Americans don’t own guns. By your logic we can appeal the 2nd amendment easy peasy?

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gun ownership affects the life of american citizens.
changing constitution to change who gets to be citizen in the future sounds like a different logic.

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Did you read the part about having to beings ratified by 3/4 of the states? That’s 38 states. Little margin for error there. I don’t think there’s anything that 38 states agree on now.

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Majority of Americans support giving the illegal immigrants living a long time in the US a path to citizenship, according to some of the polls I’ve seen. If people support that I don’t expect many want to kick out babies born here.

People should agree on it, since it’s their tax money being spent on illegals instead of them. Some people have this weird disassociation about money and don’t understand budgets though. They think there’s just endless money to fund everything.

when the time comes, you can be sure that people will explain about it.

We are not talking about entrepreneurs who come to this country legally.
We are talking about many many people who come here give a birth, and go back, or illegally stay here.

Would you think trump would have won? think again.

If you want to talk about wasting money don’t forget EPA head Scott Pruitt. He just spend 43 thousand dollars on a “cone of silence”, like Maxwell Smart.



I am not aware Trump won a landslide in the last election. For gods sake the guy even lost the popular vote.

To amend the constitution you’d need a landslide. Something vast majority of Americans agree on, think north of 70%, and have all the politics aligned right. You need to have both chambers of Congress agree overwhelmingly and 75% of states.

You want to bet?